Baldwin Inn

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Meeting between both sides. Springfield the Baldwin Inn. Sarna, Ben, and Louse attending for The Thirteen Lands. The Republic, Assembly Lady Miss Roberts, General Ansted, and Colonel Alsip attending.

Mitch walked into the room, Sarna Ben I know where they are, the Republic company about ten miles maybe little further. Not a company, more like two platoons and two of those oddities, ya know those tank thins. Sarna looked at Mitch, well, guess you better have one Ranger keep an eye on them. Nope, not one Ranger, myself have it no other way, Elder. Ben nodded, we figured as much, has Louse and the others been spotted? Not that I know of. Best find a spot ta watch from, bye, your leave. Well, Ben guess they haven't broken any rules. Should of specified what a company was.
Guess we should have, little worried about this. The Republic might attack just to kill us, not worry about the three of them here, with us.

If they do, so be it, Ben, we must try and learn from this. We may not stop the impaling or no prisoners. Maybe just maybe we find out, what makes them tick. Why they are the way they are.
Find a faster way to beat them. Sarna, I know this, I'm only thinking out loud is all. I worry about you us, will we ever have a life of not fighting. Oh, Ben, if not, we've loved cared for one another, done more than most. I am proud to be one with you.

Ben hugged her, I will not ever stop loving you.
Liz burst in, they are coming! Sit where you are supposed to. Remember to treat them with respect stand when they enter. I'll be up top in the attic great place to shoot from, good luck.

Louse shouted Liza you can stop here! We'll walk the rest of the way. Lana said figured we be coming along. No, you two stay here far edge of the town. This small house where you stay until we leave. Excuse me, Louse our men need to check that place. By all means General. They can check, I would be shocked if you didn't. Louse watched as they came out. Sir, all clear one room house table chairs and a bed. Lana said bye, your leave Louse.
Yes, Lana plenty of food and drink, relax untelling how long this will take. Louse motioned follow me if you please. Before they entered, your guards will stay this side of the tables, ours on the other side. Sarna will offer a drink probably whisky or coffee. If you don't drink whisky take the coffee, its a normal offer, Before Talks. Shall we.

Sarna stood as the door opened, Ben followed, thinking I have no pistols or my saber. Damn, I feel naked with them in the room. Sarna looked them over. The lady, her hair darker than the night sky, with flecks of white and grey in it. Her face so young in appearance. The General looked old grey hair on the sides very little at the top. He looked tired beat and worried. The younger one, Sarna felt uneasy, he looked evil she thought sinister. He wore the same type uniform as that political officer. Louse stopped a few feet from the table.
This is Assembly Woman Roberts, General Ansted, and Colonel Alsip, and this is Sarna, Defender of The Thirteen Lands, Ben Stanson her Second.

Sarna nodded, thank you for coming, please have a seat. As they sat, can I offer coffee whisky or would some like both? Roberts said just coffee, please. Thinking one so young, how and why does she lead? Colonel Alsip grinned both please. How I'd like to Impale you bitch, thinking see you squirm while driving the pike in. Ben said and you General? Double up the whisky touch of coffee.
Least I get a little drink. Figure out what to do, these don't give up. Ben poured some whisky in his coffee left some in the glass. Took a drink of both.

Roberts sipped her coffee, this coffee is good. Louse smiled, from may Plantations in Mid America. Sarna gently tapped the table, I'd like to start. First, thank you for coming. This is probably unheard of, two enemies talking before hostilities end. I would like to show you how we treat prisoners. We have ten, a Colonel Travis commanding. You may ask them questions they've been told to be honest. Guard, please send them in.

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