One Thousand Yards back
                                       Small Tent

Lana took a drink of coffee, we shouldn't even talk! Just kill them all! Louse how are you so calm?
I am not calm, it sickens me. We must keep clear heads, Sarna chose us because she thought we would do that. This I believe is important to our cause. Liza paced holding her sword handle. How so Louse? How is this important? Yes, how so Louse, as Lana's fist hit the table. I believe this will show them. She doesn't fear them, let them see what they fear. That this impaling won't stop us. That we treat prisoners like people. We also need to gauge our enemy, see their resolve. That is the most important part. Lana nodded then I'll go along with this, no more talk of it. Louse smiled yes, no more talk of this.

                          Savannah Head Quarters

Colonel, suppose this can't wait? No, General, good an Assembly member Miss Roberts I believe. Colonel get to it! Sir, I have a letter from Sarna and a returned prisoner.  She Wishes a meeting at Springfield.  Returned prisoner, letter from Sarna? Is this him? Yes, Sir, Master Sargent Stern, Sir. I thought you would want to ask him some questions, here is the letter. Miss Roberts if you care to read it, I don't! I say pull some of the troops we are evacuating to Charles Town, and attack Springfield! No, General, we'll not attack. The letter, please. Here.

                            Sarna's Letter

To the Commander of Savannah and Government Officials. From Commander First United Army,
Sarna Parson, Defender of The Thirteen Lands.

I wish to discuss your terms of Surrender and the Killing of Redheaded women. I've said before, this will not be tolerated. I'd like to meet on neutral ground to discuss this. You may have three Representatives. If you agree this shall take place two days from now. My three Comrades shall take you to said meeting place. We have several prisoners, which will be treated fairly. One I am returning in good faith. To show our meeting will be safe for all.

If you wish not to meet, then die or surrender.

Sarna Parson

General, I believe this meeting should take place, Colonel you shall go and our Second in Command shall attend along with myself. Colonel, are they waiting for a reply? Yes, Mam, they are. We should at least have few men near Springfield to protect you. General, place only a Regiment say Clyo we have a fortified camp at Clyo. That will be close enough. I'll send a message to inform the camp, I disagree with this! I want that known! General, I'll leave a written statement to that fact. Ask the Sargent a few questions, do with him as you wish.
Colonel, shall we. Yes, Mam.

We've no opening at the defenses, Mam you'll have to climb over it. Colonel, your concern is noted, I can climb. I may be an Assembly member but, I'm still capable. Didn't think you weren't Mam just informing is all. We'll have to walk a thousand yards also, just informing is all. Duly noted. So, Mam, why did you agree to this? I'll explain after we get over this wall. After jumping down, they aren't shelling, why is that? Mam only thing I can think of after grabbing the flag from the wall.
I told them it may take a couple of hours.
So we best start that way, waving the flag as a signal.

Colonel, I need to know, why they don't break, bend to our Will. The few prisoners I have seen.
Look like they've taken beatings, torture but they don't look beaten. They don't beg to live, before being shot or Impaled. Sure some looked terrified,
not wanting to die. Where does it come from, why do they fight? Overpowered we should have a Carrier at Charles Town by now, plus our tanks.
I don't know if that will stop them, they are different, more so than we thought. Learning experience Colonel is all, we need to know this.
Yes, Mam guess we do. Colonel, I'll, do all the talking unless I ask your opinion. Understood, the fancy dressed one, believe he is in charge. A Colonel Louse is his name. Thank you, best quiet down, almost there.

Colonel, Louse, I am Miss Roberts Assembly member, of course, you've met the Colonel. Louse held out his hand, yes I am Louse, pleased to meet you. Her grip was firm, he thought this one is a leader. Louse I to am pleased to meet you. This meeting we will attend, I'll be present the Colonel will be a General Ansted will be attending. Louse smiled, sit please have a Rum and coffee. I have been given, let's say arrangements I can accommodate. As she sat, what do you mean?
Liza placed some cups of coffee and rum.

Well, first off, Sarna wishes you to feel safe, she has given you permission to have one company or troop not closer, than ten miles to Springfield. You and the rest must ride with us. No weapons on you or the others attending. If this meeting lasts longer than expected you will be given a place to stay.
You can inform your complement of men. Louse took a drink, please as you can see it's not poison.
She took a drink coughed some, didn't expect that much rum, those I can agree with, I'd like to bring food. Louse smiled, food no, that we will provide.
Sarna nor anyone wants to see you consume human flesh. Can I at least bring a preferred wine or ale? Louse nodded, only if all can have some, of course after you drink it.

She grinned, you don't trust us? Louse shrugged you didn't drink till I did, meet us here two hours before daylight in two days. We won't start shelling for another hour, that gives you plenty of time. Thank you, Louse, I think you say bye, your leave.
Yes, we do, bye, your's Mam. Liza send a rider to Springfield inform Sarna. I'll go myself return by morning. Bye, your leave.

                              Springfield four hours

Sarna! The meeting is on! Sarna sat down, I knew it! Liza, I knew they couldn't resist it! Liza, this is Liz a snipper from Ohio. Liza nodded pleased to meet you. As I am Liza. Sarna, I've figured out where to place a few shooters. I do recommend a couple of unarmed guards inside with you.

Sarna shook her head, only if they have two. Liz thought some, well, guess that will work, opposite sides of the room. I have some more things if want you to know. Go on I'll listen. I want at least two tables between you and them maybe three. The bar has a stone front plus a stone wall behind it. You and Ben sit with your backs to it. The lower part of the windows get wood over them. Upper they can't get a shot inside and hit anyone. I don't see any problems with this, make what changes are needed. I'll leave it all to you, if you have more add it, tell me though. Liz smiled thought this would be harder. They told me, you were pretty headstrong on things. Sarna laughed then nodded, only if don't think it's right.

Liz turned to leave, I'll get some people to start on this. May have to make changes after its set up. Bye, your leave. Sarna said no, bye, your's. Liza, can you return soon? Sarna, I am at your command. Rest have some food, then head back.
Have Louse write a letter telling them they may have two unarmed guards with them at all times.
I can wait to eat, move now. Liza, I want you to eat with me. After eating and talking some Liza looked over at Liz, don't let her fool you she is a might strong-headed! Sarna, bye, your leave!

The meeting is on. What do you think, will any good come from this meeting?  Can Sarna be making a mistake? Thanks for reading comment vote if you please.

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