I turned to see Alaric, "I'm going out of town with Hope. I want you to be on your best behavior and no magic." He said and I smiled. "Course." I said and he nodded before turning and walking out. Not even 5 minutes after he left Lizzie and Josie popped up into the door frame. "Ready to show my dad we can be responsible using our magic?" Lizzie asked and I smirked standing up. "Course!" I said and we all high fived before walking out of the room. I used my magic to close the door behind us.
Dorian, who is acting as head coach in Alaric's absence, has gathered the referee, the Mystic Falls Timberwolves coach, and the starting players from both teams Myself, Lizzie, Josie, and Kaleb for the Stallions, Dana, Connor, Garrett, and Kyle for the Timberwolves, onto the sidelines to kick off the match.

"Chill Liz." I mumbled to my cousin who shot me a look. "All right, guys. Let's have a good, clean, entirely uneventful game." Dorian emphasizes the last few words and makes a point of looking at Lizzie, Josie and I, to make sure we understand his meaning-- no powers or any other behavior that could reveal their supernatural status. Meanwhile, the Timberwolves smile smugly at the Stallions.

We have to loose, so we don't draw attention to what we really are. "Like we do every year when we beat your asses down." Conner snarked and Dorian gives him a look, "Not exactly the spirit, Connor." Connor just continues to mock us.

The referee pulls out a coin and prepares to flip it. "All right, call in the air." Dorian called out and I watched as Dana gives Lizzie and I a scathing look. "Tails never fails." We allow the coin to fall onto the grass and look at it to find that tails indeed was face-up. "Guess not."

Connor and Dana low-five each other and continue to smirk smugly at us. "Your ball. Shake hands and lets do this." I raised an eyebrow as Garett looked me up and down. He tried to step up but I didn't advance. Josie and Kyle shake hands without incident, but when Kaleb tries to shake hands with Connor, the latter just walks forward and shoulder-checks him.

Kaleb is appalled and looks as though he's about to retaliate when Josie comes over and puts her hand on his shoulder to stop him as they walk away. "Kaleb, come on. Suck it up. We have to go through this every year, okay?" Josie told him.

"I was being recruited by D1 schools before I got here, all right? I don't lose." Kaleb snarked, Josie, concerned that he might not follow the game plan, once again puts a hand on his shoulder and stops him "Hey-- you do today. Okay?" Josie walks off to sit on the bench on the sidelines as Kaleb gets into position. I scoffed at Garrett's drooling and turned walking over to Josie.
On the sidelines for a huddle before the next play Lizzie calls out, "All right, I just want to take a minute to let you know how proud I am. You're all doing a great job." I bit my lip as Kaleb looks at her as though she's lost her mind. "We're getting our asses kicked." I played with my ponytail before saying, "Which means we're doing a great job."

"What's the play?" MG asked, "Same one as always" I said and they all turned to me, "run around, make it look like you know what you're doing, then fail. On three." The team all claps in unison, with the exception of Kaleb, who is scowling, before getting into position.

I jogged onto the field and got onto position. "Ready! White 80! Set. Hut!" Lizzie yelled out. Josie passes the ball between her legs to Lizzie, who takes off with the ball. Dana counts aloud as she visually tracks her, "One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi..." MG then yells, "Pass it, I'm open!" Lizzie hesitates, unsure of what she should do as Dana continues to count, "Four Mississippi, five Mississippi..." Dana stops counting and goes to tackle Lizzie, who throws the ball to MG at the last moment.

In an amazing twist, MG catches the ball in the air and runs just slow enough that no one guesses he's a vampire until he reaches the end zone. He does a varsity in the air and slams the ball down onto the ground. The Stallions crowd goes wild, as MG and Kaleb shoulder-bump each other.

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