chapter 21

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You were quickly diverted by Jin, naked and needy leaning down to kiss you. He backed you against the bed and stopped.  

He stood and watched as you climbed onto the middle of the bed.  You stopped, sitting on your knees waiting for Jin.

“Take your hair down for me" he said.

You reached up and slowly unfastened your hair, shaking it loose around your shoulders.

Jin watched as you lifted your arms above your head, arching your back and pushing your breasts toward him and watched them shift and move as you shook your hair down.

  He watched with hungry eyes as your hair fell around you, cascading down your back and snaking down your shoulders to caress and hide your lush breasts from him. 

The look on his face and the slight nod of his head told you exactly what he wanted you to do.  You slowly laid back on the bed, spreading your legs for him and lifting your hands to draw him to you.

Jin stopped breathing as he watched you surrender yourself completely to him.

He watched you recline onto the bed, moonbeams casting light and shadow, the lanterns bathing your face in soft light.

He watched you reach for him as you opened yourself freely to him.  His breath came in a hard gasp as he crawled toward you,  desperate now to be joined to you, to lose himself in your warmth.

You watched Jin as he came to you.  He was so beautiful, his hair shining almost blue in the moonlight, his eyes glittering as he reached for you, his movements losing his usual grace in his rush to cover your body.

Soon nothing else mattered as Jin laid his body on yours, settling between your thighs, his chest pressed to yours as his mouth found yours in a hungry and possessive kiss.

You reached to play your hands in his hair, deep moans lost in his mouth and his kiss deepened and stole away your last rational thoughts.

Jin lifted himself to balance on his elbows above you. He  groaned as he pressed against you, quickly covered in your arousal.

He leaned and whispered “I love you" in your ear and then pulled back to watch your face as he slowly entered you, filling and stretching you until he filled you completely. 

He waited as you adjusted to him, as you pulled his body closer so that he was deep inside you as he could be.

Then you arched into him, sighing his name, willing him to stroke you, to move you in an ancient rhythm. 

Jin’s eyes were locked with yours, he started to move slowly, watching you as you frowned, concentrated on the feel of your bodies sliding together.  He kept his thrusts slow and steady as he watched you find and ride the wave of passion.

He saw the moment you came undone and began to arch against him.  He nodded his encouragement as you lifted your hips to his. 

He reached and pulled your leg high on his hip, giving him freedom to deepen his thrust.  He steadily increased his pace until you lost control.

He watched as you threw your head back and cried his name.  You grabbed his biceps and tried to pull him even closer as you chased relief. Blindly reaching for him you accidentally left scratches on his arm.  Feeling your nails scratch his skin took Jin by surprise and his body reacted by thrusting harder, pounding into you, following the pace you were setting with your pleas.  

“Ffff….fff…baby…..sooo…sooo…I need..” he stuttered.

Seeing him lost was your undoing as you bucked up into him and shattered around him.  You clenched hard around him as his thrusts grew wild and uncontrolled.  He surrendered, throbbing into you until he was spent.

You reached and cradled his head to you as his arms folded and he came to rest against you.  You both struggled for breath in the silence, the ocean your background music.

After several minutes Jin withdrew from you and rolled onto the bed, pulling you to his side.  He reached and pulled a cover over you both as you lay side by side. 

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