chapter 7

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Jin grabbed a blanket from a basket beside the door and reached for your hand.  You followed him out the doors, down the boardwalk toward the crashing sea.

All along the walk there were nooks and natural alcoves that created outdoor living space or private spots to rest.  Jin had checked the security of this place before he came and was very impressed at the privacy and security details your host had created.  For the first time in months Jin began to feel like maybe he was not on a pedestal for public display.

Almost to the open beach, you stopped at a pair of palm trees with a wide hammock slung between them.

 Jin saw the hammock and yelling “Yes!” dove into it without reservation

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Jin saw the hammock and yelling “Yes!” dove into it without reservation.  His long, toned body landed perfectly in the center of the hammock. 

He was laughing and relaxed, the wind ruffling his hair, his momentum causing the hammock to swing slightly in concert with the breeze.  He reached his hands for you, laughing up at you.  At that moment you thought your heart might burst with joy.

“Come here…quickly…I want you here with me “ he laughed, reaching for you again.

You joy diminished as you considered how you were going to join him.  You were not tall and lean and all you could think about was dumping the both of you on the ground. 

Jin once again read your fears.  With a dramatic sigh he lunged for you and easily pulled you into the hammock and neatly tucked you to his side.  You squealed and then collapsed onto his chest.

Laughing down at him, you asked “How do you do it?”

He answered “ How do I do what? Be awesome?? I am naturally awesome”

He paused to pull you into a hot and hungry kiss. “But mostly” he continued “ I have the love of an incredible woman that gives me strength when I am drained and peace when I am frantic and rest when I am weary….”

Jin trailed off when he saw your tears begin to fall. “Oh baby, no.  I didn't mean to make you cry" he said, kissing your tears away.

Between sniffles you told him “I love you so much Jin.  I was wondering how you knew when I was afraid and exactly how to calm me.  All those things you just said, you give to me….."

Anything else you might have said was captured in Jin's kiss.  He pulled you across his chest and pressed his lips to yours, softly, sweetly kissing you again and again.

Leaving you breathless, he pulled back and whispered “I love you" and pulled your head against his chest.  His long fingers soothed along your spine and his face nuzzled your hair.  You pressed closer to him to hear his heartbeat.

After a few moments he started to sing to you and you knew you had surely found paradise.

The sun slowly began to set in the sky and Jin shifted so you both could see the sunset.  Feeling you shiver he reached and wrapped the  blanket around you both, cocooning you in it's warmth. 

You sat swinging, watching the world turn and paint the sky in vivid shades just for the two of you.

As the night grew dark you felt Jin begin to yawn.  This is exactly what he needed, passionate love , delicious food and restoring rest.  When you felt his breathing start to deepen and even out you gently shook him.

“Baby….are you ready to go in?  Let's go to bed" you whispered.

He nodded sleepily and rolled out of the hammock with ease then lifted you to your feet.

You turned to see the house, lit now only  by a light in the kitchen and the soft glow of the bedroom.  Jin pulled you closely to his side and you walked back in silence.

As you reached the house you noted the glass doors had been closed and secured.  Mrs. Lee left a tray of fruit and cheese on the counter along with another bottle of wine.

Jin smiled and said “maybe later" and led you to the bedroom. 

You noticed that Jin had grown quiet as the sun set.  In the brighter lights of the kitchen he looked exhausted.  He needed to sleep.

“Jin, I am going to unpack.  Why don't you go ahead and wash up and I’ll go after you are done. “  you offered.
He kissed you as he walked past and simply said “thank you".

You unpacked your things as you waited.  Jin's clothes were next and you were picking out clothes for tomorrow when you heard him behind you.

"Good glory he is beautiful" you thought as he came to you.  His face was  scrubbed clean and his hair freshly washed. He was wearing his glasses and a pair of sleep shorts. He held his sleep tee shirt in his hand.  You gulped at his hard chest and sculpted abs. Just beautiful!

He drug you out of your “Jin appreciation seminar" as he kissed you and swatted your behind. 

He growled “hurry….I'll be waiting.”

When you finished your shower you pulled on the surprise sleepwear you had purchased just for this trip.

Jin was sound asleep already, just like you knew he would be.  You smiled as you slipped in beside him and pulled the covers over you both.  You settled in to watch him sleep, but soon the sound of the waves pulled you to join him.

Perfect Paradise  Book 7Where stories live. Discover now