chapter 19

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He led you back toward the massive bed.

As he reached the edge he sat down and drew you between his legs. You stood kissing him for long minutes, your hands tangling in his hair, your body pressing and swaying into his.

He began to groan and you could feel his arousal pressing into you.

You sighed and started to slowly slip loose the buttons on his shirt. You loved to unbutton him, to slowly open his shirt to reveal the beauty of his hard chest, the ridges of his abdomen, the evidence of his hours of work and training. You did just that, kissing and teasing as you unbuttoned, treasuring each new glimpse of skin as it was uncovered.

Jin loved to watch your face as you undressed him. It was one of the most erotic things he had ever seen, to watch the hunger and lust flare as you looked at his body.

He loved the way your tongue darted in and out of your mouth as you were waiting to taste each spot of his skin. His collection of button up date shirts was definitely growing. You made him proud of his body. You also made his body ache for your touch.

Reaching the last button, you leaned to kiss and nip at Jin's throat as you pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

His could stroke and caress them all night. You loved how broad and strong he was and how he used that strength to always only love you, protect you, to make you in turn stronger.

Hearing Jin groan and take a shuddering breath, you stepped out of his grasp and into a pool of light thrown by one of the torches.

You moaned to see Jin, chest rising erratically with his breathing, lean lines accentuated in the moonlight, thigh muscles beginning to bunch and tense, evidence of his thick erection outlined in his linen shorts.

Jin was right, you had right now and you intended to give him everything you had to give.

You wanted to give him memories for the nights he lay in bed alone after being in front of thousands. You wanted to give him a dream to replay over any time he needed to feel you. You wanted to give him a piece of yourself to hold safe until he returned to you and made you whole again.

You reached for the tie at the neckline of your caftan and pulled it open, loosening the entire garment around you. Your eyes caught Jin's and held them for a moment. They were wide with anticipation.

You pulled the neckline open and slipped one shoulder, then the other out of the coverup. You slowly drew it down to your waist.

You had noticed Jin's eyes fall to follow your hands and could now clearly see that he was staring at your breasts barely contained in the bathing suit top. Had the top always looked that small you wondered. Any further concern was quelled by Jin's deep groan. He approved, that was all that mattered.

Pausing a moment to allow him to admire you. You turned so your back was to him and shimmied the rest of the way out of the caftan.

You were looking over your shoulder as Jin watched the fabric skim your waist, then your hips and then finally reveal your ass. His muffled curse was enough to assure you he liked the bottoms too.

You turned back toward him and stood watching him for just a moment before you saw he was reaching the end of his patience.

"Come here" he growled, and shuddering at his tone, you moved to obey.

Jin had watched you as you stripped down to your bathing suit, the flickering glow of the torch light throwing shadows over you body, touching and licking your curves just as he now intended to do.

He let you play and tease until your hands fell to the tie front of your top. Damn, you knew how to get his blood pumping until it hurt, but now he wanted to unwrap the prize beneath that simple knot.

Jin the night to slow down. He needed to capture every sigh, every caress, every whisper, each moan of his name and engrave it in his memory.

He knew exactly what it would be like in the next few weeks when the door closed behind him, sealing him in an empty hotel room.

His ears would still ring from thousands chanting his name, but the only voice he would want to hear would be yours.

He could hear your whispers and sighs over the phone, but he would still ache to hold your body to his.

This was sweet torture and he would endure it as long as he was capable so as to have this memory when he was desperately lonely and his only relief was you.

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