chapter 4

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Jin looked at you and quirked his brow.  Smiling he said “Where was I ?” and bent his head to your throat again. 

You turned your head away to give him free reign to kiss and nip down into your cleavage.  You groaned and put your hands in his hair.

Jin reached the lace of your panties and gently trailed his fingers into you.  You cried out and arched into him.

“Oh Yes Baby!! I love to watch your face. Let me watch you" he sighed as he pressed his fingers deeper into you.

You began to move in his arms , struggling to guide his fingers deeper into you.

“Please…..please ……oh.Jin" you cried as you grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer.

He soothed with his voice as he gently pushed aside the silk and lightly traced circles into you  causing the ache in you to catch fire.  You arched up into him as he praised you and coaxed you to come apart for him.

“Jin…” you warned, a frown creasing your forehead “Jin…….”

A swirl of his fingers pressed you over the edge as Jin covered your moans with his hard kisses.

You fell into the cradle of his arms, gasping for your breath.  Jin held you for the time it took your breathing to calm, rubbing your back and whispering loving words over you as you steadied.

You soon became aware of his warmth beneath you, his labored breathing and his hard length pressing into your bottom.

You struggled out of his arms and stood.  You wiggled out of your panties and leaned to kiss him, running your hand slowly up his thighs.  You stopped to watch his face as you unfastened his belt.  You slowly unbuttoned and unzipped him.  Pressing soft kiss after soft kiss onto his lips.

You began to pull his pants down and he raised his hips to help.  As he sprang free, he groaned to see your hungry eyes fall on his hard length. 

He twitched hard as you licked your lips and slowly found the ends of your wrap skirt, pulling them back to expose yourself to him. 

He surprised you by grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him.  As you landed on top of him he reached down into the chair and it slowly began to recline. Jin slipped his hands under your skirt to your hips as the chair tilted back. 

He drew your center to his aching erection. He gasped as your arousal covered him. His slide stroked against you, teasing your need back to life.

He stopped the chair in a semi upright position and drew your knees to either side of his hips, adjusting you comfortably against him.

Your chest was pressed tight against him, your skirt flowed around you, covering both your bodies.  Being so exposed to him while almost fully clothed was making you crazy.  You began to slowly grind against him, seeking pleasure and release.

Jin looked up at you perched on his lap.  He could see out the window over your shoulder.  The day was a perfect late spring day.  The sun was bright and below the plane he could see miles of soft, white fluffy clouds. Occasionally the clouds parted to reveal patterns of green, brown and blue as glimpses of the earth peeped through.  

It was a perfect view of the beauty of the creation. However, Jin only had eyes for you.  He stared at you on his lap, hair starting to loosen from it's braid, face flushed from your earlier climax from the play of his fingers. 

His eyes fell on your silk covered breasts, inches from his face.  His mouth watered to taste you.  He groaned, knowing intimately how you looked under the shirt, how you tasted, how you responded to his touch, his kiss.

If possible, he hardened even more as he looked down at your bodies completely covered by your skit, an unexpected thrill shot through him knowing you were naked and grinding down on him beneath it.

He grabbed your hips harder and lifted you so he could slide deep into you.
You cried out as he  found your entrance and slowly pulled you down onto him.  He guided your hips to rise and fall on him.  You threw your head back, hands pressing against his hard chest to steady yourself.

Your need soon fired your pace as you looked down at Jin.  His eyes never left yours as he saw the storm of your climax gathering. 

Over his shoulder was a window with a view of a perfect sky.  You never even noticed it, being too trained on the nuances of Jin's breathing, the darkening of his eyes, the grip of his fingers as he increased the speed and depth of your dips onto him. 

You gave up all thought as you simply let go and allowed him to guide your body.  Soon the rhythm grew wild as you both reached for completion.

Jin watched your face as the storm in your body broke and you came apart around him.  Thrusting up into you Jin cried out and pushed deeply into your body as he released into you, throbbing to match the last moments of your climax.

You fell onto Jin's chest as your body continued to tremble.  You raised your head to kiss and caress him.  Finally you both calmed and rested in each others arms.

Perfect Paradise  Book 7Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon