chapter 3

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For the next several minutes Jin kissed you.  He began with a wicked kiss, his tongue parting your lips then teasing in to taste you.  He soon gentled into long slow sweet kisses, broken by words of love or soft sighs.

Jin shifted you in his lap and slipped one hand onto your waist underneath the silk and denim.  You gasped and felt your body heat at the brush of his hand on your bare skin.  You turned to settle deeper into his arms.

Jin kissed you again, capturing a low moan. As you leaned against him you felt his body start to respond.

His free hand slowly moved to cup your face, then fell to caress your throat.  Hearing your sigh, Jin pulled back to watch your face as he drifted his fingers to the collar of your jacket, then further, pulling aside the denim to reveal the cream of the silk contouring the creamy skin of your breasts.

He slowly slipped a finger in the cammi to pull aside the silk to bare your skin to him.  He bent his dark head to kiss his way down your throat, ending at the his favorite spot.  At your deep moan he moved to return his lips to your neck as his hand continued to roam your body. 

His fingers barely skimmed one hardening nipple, causing you to arch and seek his hand.  He smiled and took your mouth in a hard kiss as his hand continued, brushing into your lap and down your thighs.

He finally reached your knees and carefully found the opening of your skirt and placed his hand between your knees.  On instinct you parted your legs at his touch. 

You sighed again as he slowly moved his hand up your thigh. Your breathing quickened and you began to move restlessly against him. 

He kissed his way to your ear and whispered “you are so beautiful.  I have missed you so very much.  I ache for you”

You drew a deep breath and nodded “I love you so much. I have missed you too.  I need you. It is so good to touch you"

Jin was slowly gliding his hand up your inner thigh, kissing you madly, when the intercom sounded.

“Good evening Mr. Kim.  I hope you and your guest are enjoying your flight.  Your host selected an in flight movie for you and left instructions that the guest cabin be secured and the “do not disturb" protocols be implemented.  You will be alerted when we begin approach for landing.  Until then, if you have any requests for flight staff or have any questions please press the intercom system on the table.  Please enjoy the rest of your flight”

At the end of the announcement the lights dimmed in the cabin and a recent rom com staring your host began to play on the big screen in the front of the cabin.

Jin looked at you and quirked his brow.  Smiling he said “Where was I ?” and bent his head to your throat again. 

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