chapter 6

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Mr. Lee offered to show you the bedroom as he took your bags and started to the back of the house.  Again, the views were spectacular.  There were the necessary interior rooms, but as you walked you could see that most of the living space of this home was outdoors.  You could not wait to explore it.

Mr.Lee stopped at a door and stepped back for Jin to open and enter first.  You could hear Jin's sharp intake of breath as he stood in the doorway, but you could not see around his shoulders.

He turned, still blocking your view and thanked Mr. Lee and asked him to leave the things there that he would take care of them from here.  The old man smiled a slow smile of understanding and bowed, disappearing back down the hall.

“Close your eyes" Jin commanded.

“ of my favorite ….” You teased before Jin cut you off, sweeping you in his arms and carrying you into the room.  You laid your head against Jin's chest, deeply happy to be in his arms no matter what lay beyond that door.

“Open" Jin whispered and you were stunned.

The bedroom was deep with an opulent bed right inside the door piled with linens and plush pillows. White curtains from the four poster bed billowed in a breeze. Soft lights scattered around the room gave off a soft glow.  Several feet past the foot of the bed was a couch, wide and deep enough to be a bed, a nest of pillows along the back.  Beyond that floor to ceiling doors stood open to the sea.  There was a perfect view of the ocean from any spot in the room. 

“Oh Jin"  you breathed “it's so beautiful”

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“Oh Jin"  you breathed “it's so beautiful”. 

He sat you down and turned you to face him, kissing you long and deep.  He dropped his forehead to rest against yours and sighed “ how did I get so lucky?”

You kissed him in response.

Finally Jin looked up and noted the day growing later.

“Let's eat then go to the beach to watch the sunset" he said as he took your hand and wandered back in the direction of the kitchen.

Mrs. Lee beamed as you entered the front of the house.  She had set the small table for you and was finishing marvelous plates of fresh seafood. 

Mr. Lee brought over glasses and a selection of wine for Jin to chose for dinner.  His selection made, Jin poured a generous glass for you both as Mrs. Lee put the plates in front of you. 

Jin's reaction made you blush.  He actually groaned, a sound you had only heard him make in passion.  Looking at his face you felt a little jealous of this meal.  It was clear he was deeply appreciative of the feast before him.

Mrs. Lee had prepared filet mignon, fresh lobster tail and shrimp.  Jin was in heaven and so was she at his response.  It made you happy to see him this happy.

She quietly slipped away to leave you to enjoy the meal.  Jin ate more than you had ever seen him eat. He even finished your meal.  It made you so happy to see him eating and relaxing.  You spent the meal laughing and sharing food and refilling your wine glasses. You both were glowing by the end of the meal. 
Jin finally had his fill and pushed back from the table. 

“I am going to take our bags into the room and change.  Do you want to change too.” He asked.

You decided you were fine.  You kicked your shoes off and threw your jacket across the chair and waited for Jin.  He reappeared in minutes. 

He had thrown off the cashmere cardigan and left the soft cotton shirt.  You raised your eyebrows when he rounded the corner in fact wearing a pair of shorts.  You seriously doubted he had taken the time to put on underwear.

Jin looked at you and his body warmed at the memory of you riding him in the plane with that skirt flowing over both of you.  He noted the jacket over the chair and the silk clinging to your breasts. 

His eyes finally raised to yours only to find them fixed on his shorts.  As you looked at him he smirked.  He could read your face like a book.  His response to your unanswered question was a slow wink. 

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