And Then There Was None(47)

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Sagittarius POV

I tightly sealed Cancer's mouth shut as I wrapped my other arm around her torso to keep her in control. Her arms were clinging on my knees as her breath steadied. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and I was tempting on not letting her go, whatever I heard was quieting down now though.

I willing let her go and let my head fly back on the small cave we found that gave us a mere view to the outside. I expected her to crawl out of my legs but she stayed there and smacked my thigh repeatedly to catch my attention.

"Did you hear that?" Her muffled voice hinted a bit of concern as she leaned towards on four to look out to the open space showering the entrance of the cave with the heavy rain falling down.

"No, what did you hear? I heard more of yells and shots." I found myself yelling, talking was a difficulty in a enclosed space with rain drumming against it. Her hair had untied itself and brown curls flowed everywhere, making it impossible for me to see her face.

"I could... I heard...calling Gemini." Again, any sound from her echoed in the cave but was silenced by the rain so I couldn't catch quiet all of it.

I almost moved forward from the uncomfortable position I was in but abruptly I didn't move another inch. Cancer was still in front of me giving me a full view of her arched back and legs. As much as I would've wanted to sit back and just let it engulf my focus, the soreness aching throughout my body wouldn't let me.

"Hey Cancer, I don't mind being like this but I'm getting all cramped up behind you." A loud gasp came from her as she loudly apologized over and over again.

As soon as Cancer was crawling out of the hole we were trapped in, I took that as my cue to follow her behind. I stretched out my arms while jumping out to get my legs going, my whole body had fallen asleep from not moving around for a while.

"What did you mean by I don't mind?" I chuckled teasingly at her and left it at a smirk to avoid getting smacked or something. We started heading directly to the loud scream Cancer had heard supposedly heat as I pulled her hair on the way.

At one point, her hand collided with my chest and she purposely had whipped my face with her hair.
We were in utter silence throughout our path while I was grateful a water sign was my company. The cold rain departed to make space for us, I was awed how she didn't move a finger to sway the rain the other way.

I wondered if she could do the same with the thunder and lighting bolting in the grey sky. I was perplexed how clouds appeared suddenly, ruining the canvas of purple painted with the dullness of black.

"That's bat shit crazy!" Cancer lifted her eyebrows as a sign of confusion, I pointed at the sky.

"Well we're not on earth anymore where there are clouds." Cancer gave me a little 'huh' before responding an hour later.

"Well there is source of water and there is a sun and literally stars walking around, it evaporates and mimics you know, the water cycle."

"Ah yeah, it makes sense." I scratch the back of my neck, a bit flushed I sounded pretty dumb on basic knowledge even a pre schooler knows of.

"Are you feeling...flustered?" I shake my head with a quiet scoff. I averted my attention instead to the bangs growing out, starting to pass my eyelids. I frowned at the maroon irritation sometimes blurring my sight and the fact that I looked like a red head Justin Bieber in his younger years.

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