Mandalorian Jedi Male Reader X Female Clone Troopers Part One

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Y/N: I won't lie to you sir, after the way General Krell treated his troops I felt that the clones should see the jedi aren't all bad.

Obi Wan: I see, a noble motive like that is nice to see from a newly deemed Jedi Knight.

Y/N: Thank you Master Kenobi, I appreciate your words.

I replied to his comment in a calm tone while on the inside I was fanboying over this. As we approached the meeting room an Arc Trooper walked out of the room.

Obi Wan: Ah Maroon you're here, this is Jedi Knight Y/N L/N, he'll be taking control over this base for the foreseeable future.

The Arc trooper known as Maroon looked from Obi Wan to me. I noticed a small smile appear on her face as she saluted me.

 I noticed a small smile appear on her face as she saluted me

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Maroon: Greetings sir, I'm pleased to meet you.

I began chuckling softly and she looked at me with a confused expression.

Maroon: Everything okay sir?

Y/N: Yes apologies everything is fine, just haven't been called sir in a long time.

Maroon was obviously surprised and even more so when I held out my hand to her.

Y/N: But it's really nice to meet you too Maroon.

She looked at the General then back to me and stopped saluting to shake my hand slowly. As we did that Obi Wan walked away for a moment to take a message from what I assumed was his troopers a few miles away in another captured base. Soon Maroon got more comfortable and tightened her grip on my hand. I figured the Arc trooper would get use to me quicker than most. They have been known to become more independent than normal troopers.

Maroon: So I've looked over your files to prepare for your arrival sir.

She said as she stopped shaking hands with me and noticeably relaxed her shoulders. I smiled more and replied to her.

Y/N: Really, what did you think Maroon?

Maroon: I was impressed sir, but I must admit I was surprised at the lack of casualties under your command.

Y/N: Really?

I questioned curiously yet secretly understanding far too well why she was surprised. I've seen more than once that most jedi don't treat the Clones well and don't mind casualties.

Maroon: Yes General, it makes me look forward to fighting alongside you.

Before I could thank Maroon for the lovely complement, Master Kenobi walked back over and put his hand on my shoulder.

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