You have been accepted! part 1

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*Rosalina's POV*

"Mama! Mama!"

That word basically starts my day, I guess you can say as the lumas all gather around me.
I watch them while holding a golden colored luma,curiousity filling my mind as to what could be making them act so crazy.
After a moment of questioning and worry, a blue luma with an envelope made it's way to the front from the sea of lumas gathered around me and presents it to me.
I take it and look around my observatory questioning as to how it got here since only a selected few others, the lumas and me are the only ones who really know about this place. And the others I mentioned would of made their presence known since they aren't exactly quiet in any way.
After establishing that no one else was around, I turn the envelope around and immediately I noticed the design that sealed the flap of the envelope.

"Oh I see, so this is what you all were worked up about." I say as I look up at all my luma and put the golden luma that I held in my other hand down on the ground.

"You all must be really anxious to see if I got accepted in this school. Am I right?" They all bounce in glee and with their little shreak noise they usually do as to answer with a joy filled "Yes!"

"You all do know that even if I am accepted, I won't be able to see you all everyday since I will be in a dorm. Plus I can only take one of you."I said with worry.
They all stopped bouncing and looked at each other as if wanting one of them to step up and say what they all were thinking. Finally, one did telepathically tell me...

"We know that you would have to leave us, mama. But we believe that as long as we continue to know how much you love us , we can make it on our own. And if you are ever in trouble or want to talk, you just remember that we are never far, plus we'll be watching ya if you ever do need help."

I looked between them and smiled trying to not shed tears.

"When did you all get so grown up." I said trying to lighten the mood.
After that they all jumped yelling telepathically,
Thank the stars I got used to moments when they do that cause that would give any person a headache.

I opened the envelope and pulled out a folded thin white paper. After unfolding the paper, in big bold text, the first words that shown on paper were the words:


Me and the Lumas all rejoiced in glee and happiness and decided to celebrate with a trip around the cosmos.

First Chapter to the first book I've ever done. Did I do good? Please let me know. Another update will come soon too. It just may take me time because of school and other stuff in life.

So questions for all of you readers:

Who is your favorite super smash character?


Who do you all ship <3?

I love reading comments so let me know. Also, don't be afraid to ask me any questions either. I will respond or answer as soon as I can.


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