Not one, but two extra Irwins (blurb)

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you'd think that by now you wouldn't be so nervous. this was your seventh time going to find out if in fact there was a little baby growing inside your stomach, and even after the first time there wasn't a heart beat and the second time there was, then there wasn't, you were pretty used to this by now.

Ashton sat in the chair next to you, holding your hand while he looked at the wall that was covered in random baby photos and a couple of framed degrees from the same college that Ashton had attended but years before.

"good morning yn! how are you feeling?" doctor Murray asked, going over to shake your hand. you took it and smiled, "uh pretty good, morning sickness just  kicked in, but other than that good." she smiled, "great, and ashton how are you?" she asked, ashton looked up and smiled at her. "doing great doc."

the doctor typed a few letters in the computer, "well I gotta say you guys are by far the most popular costumer I have, and I don't mean that in a bad way. how are the kids?" she asked, squirting some of the blue jelly on your stomach, letting you get used to how cold it was.

"they're great, Judah just got team captain, willow is on the debate team, and Olivia and Levi are still best buddies." you explained, looking up at the ceiling with your right arm tucked behind your head.

the sonogram started, you and Ashton both looked at each other in excitement. you looked over at the screen and if you looked hard enough you could see the little thing inside there.

"Ready to hear the heartbeat?" the doctor asked and you both nodded your head, she smiled and clicked a button on the keyboard, and then they heard the beautiful heartbeat of your little baby.

both you and Ashton smiled wide, you gripped his hand and looked over at him. he was staring at the monitor in complete awe, "the heartbeat sounds a little fast, is that okay?" he asked, looking up at the doctor. she moved the sonogram around a little and nodded her head, "that's because there are two heartbeats."

your eyes widened a little, you looked over at Ashton who was in complete euphoria. never in his life would he have thought he would get the chance to have twins, and now here he is. in the doctors office, hearing two heartbeats of his future children.

she wiped off the jelly and let you put your shirt down, "alright, your due date is October twenty two, but with twins they typically come early. but that date is right at nine months." she turned around in her chair and typed on her computer, "I will see you at sixteen weeks when we will find out the genders. I'm not going to advise you because you know what to do and what not to do. the nurse will be in here in a few moments, congratulations guys." doctor Murray gave you two a smile and then walked out of the room.

you turned to look at Ashton who had a couple of tears falling out, "oh my god, twins!" Ashton stood up and gave you a soft kiss, a smile forming onto his lips. "I'm so happy baby. and I know the kids will be." he hugged your side, your arms awkwardly wrapping around his arm and bicep. "you think so?"

ever since you found out that you were pregnant, you had been so nervous to tell the kids that you wanted to wait until your first appointment to tell them. "I know so, Levi has been asking me about a little brother for months now, and he might just get one."

"or a little sister." you added on, and he chuckled a little. "or maybe both." Ashton grabbed you a tissue for your happy tears, "this is gonna be amazing yn. I know it will."

and oh how you couldn't wait to tell your little family, who soon won't be so little anymore.

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