Irwin Family Cuddles (blurb)

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it had been a long, but successful day in the Irwin household. Judah had just started his very first day of school, willow her first day of pre-k and Olivia, had started to crawl. this was definitely a day for the history books.

you had finished putting away the dishes after dinner and cleaning up the mess that Olivia had made, since she was a pretty messy eater. normally Ashton would help you, but seeing as that he had a tuckered out four year old laying on his chest and a six year old laying on the love seat across from the couch, you didn't dare ask him.

you looked at the clock and it read 8:37. their bedtime was in just under thirty minutes, but looking at the kids current state it definitely wouldn't hurt to put them to bed early.

you walked up behind the couch, tapping a sleepy Ashton on the shoulder. he turned his head up, "I'm gonna go ahead and put Judah to bed." you said, and Ashton nodded his head.

you carefully walked around the mess of toys on the living room floor and picked Judah up in your arms, him not being heavy for you due to having three children , carrying them and playing with them, you built up muscle.

your little boy wrapped his arms around your neck, burying his head in the crook of your neck like Ashton does. you walked up the stairs and to the left, opening the door to his blue and green room that had dinosaur stickers and baseball ones too decorating the wall. you didn't have a problem with it, knowing that when he was older he would want to re-do his room anyways. so, you let him have his fun.

you tucked your little love into bed, kissing his forehead and turning on his nightlight. you were careful to close the door, but not all the way and walk down the wooden stairs. you were ready to grab willow and take her up stairs, but both Ashton and willow both were snoring. Ashtons mouth was open just a little, willows brown curly hair was all over the place.

you didn't have the heart to wake them so you walked over to the cabinet against the wall and grabbed a blanket and put it over the both of them. you left the dining room light on incase one of them woke up in the middle of the night so they wouldn't run into anything.

you grabbed baby olivia out of her pack n' play, "guess its just you and me huh?" and walked up stairs, instead of going left you went to the right towards your bedroom where you set the baby in her crib, where not in five minutes she was asleep, just like everyone else.

and you, wouldn't trade it for the world if you had the chance.

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