written in blood pt. 2

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triggers: slight angst, a panic attack, and a few curse words

"what do you mean 'its not paint'?!" he dragged you out of the room, as he yelled at the top of his lungs for the guards. "i mean that you shouldn't be alone in there, or anywhere in here. someone obviously has something against you."

you scoffed rolled your eyes, "yeah, your entire family does. especially you." you scolded, pointing your finger at his chest. but he has had enough of it, he grabs you by your shoulders and slams you against the wall, "for shits sake y/n! i dont hate you! Im supposed to marry you, im not gonna hate the woman i marry."

"then act like it. do you know how hard it is for me? to all of a sudden, to be ripped away from your whole entire family? Your life and everything you knew? you dont. Because you are mister perfect, you get everything you ask for."

you out your hands on your head and sigh. "nobody asked for this, Shawn." Shawn was in front of you within two steps, he was towering over you, like he does to every other person he meets. "say it again."

"wha-?" he cut you off with his precious lips against your own. you didnt know how to react, you thought he hated you. he, thought he hated you. you had no clue what to do. where did you put your hands? what did you do with your tongue? why is he even kissing you?!

"i liked it when you said my name." he pulled back, his pink lips now a little swollen. you stared into his gorgeous brown eyes, not able to get enough of them, "i-" "your highness, we might have found something."

a guard came, with- what looks to be a piece of paper in hand. it was a picture of you, your mother and father, with both of their eyes crossed out of it, on the back it read, 'next' in very messy hand writing.

"what the hell.." you reached for the paper, but Shawn snatched it first. "find out who did this. Now!" he barked, and the guards scattered away, like a puppy with its tail between its legs. "shawn give me the paper." he shook his head and folded it up. "no."

he stuffed his hands in his pants pocket, and cocked his leg out. he looked quite hot, giving you a smirk you have only seen once or twice. "well im not just gonna sit here, someone is probably going, or already has, hurt my family."

"nothing is gonna happen. You will be okay. your family, will be okay." you huff, and sit down, trying your best to not burst out in tears. Your family could be getting seriously hurt, or possibly murdered at this very moment, and you couldnt do a thing about it.

"shawn, i dont know why you are expecting me to just sit here, and do nothing when my family might be getting murdered." you muttered out, through shaky breaths. He knew you where about to have a panic attack, so he took your hands in his and rubbed circles with his thumbs.

"breathe for me y/n, breathe." you tried your best, to focus on him. to focus on his thumbs, to focus on his voice. you just felt your chest caving in, your eyes screw shut, this was the worst possible time to have one.

You finally got your breathing steady after a few minutes, you looked Shawn in the eyes, who looked scared to death. "m' sorry." you said, your voice full of sorrow.

"dont be." he sat next to you on the love seat, where you leaned your head on his shoulder. he took your hand in his, lacing your fingers together. "i used to have alot, when i found out i had no say in who i was marrying."

you frowned, "what made them stop?" you ask, hoping the answer you had in mind was right, "you. when i met you, i just felt...sort of.." "complete."

"yeah, complete."

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