High Heaven ~ A Deluca *

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summary: in which, y/n is totally innocent and Andy is a Casanova who is looking for a good time. but, gets more than what he asked for. which, he doesn't complain about.

a/n: yeah, I love Andy deluca. so here is a smut about him. enjoy.

triggers: uhm. a very drunk best friend, weed, and smut.

word count: 3,276

also I don't appreciate or tolerate hate. so if you send it in, its gonna be deleted. so don't waste time.

this is not how you saw your night going. you needed to stay in, and finish your studying for your test next Friday. but no, Valerie just had to bring you out to a lousy dive bar.

she had abandoned you as soon as you arrived, leaving you hanging high and dry. you looked around, and every now and then you would see her dancing with multiple guys, or just a different one each time.

you walked over, and sat on a tall bar stool. "what can i get ya, miss?" the bartender asked, leaning against the wooden counter. "just a rum and coke." you said, and he nodded.

he slid the drink across the counter, and you stopped it in your hand. "thanks." you said, and you took a sip of your alcoholic beverage.

with every sip you took, you just felt more and more awful. Alcohol was never your thing. every now and then, you would drink a little wine with Valerie. but most of the time, you just stuck with pop and water.

you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to find a very happy, and very tipsy Valerie. "hey y/n! come get down with us!" she shouted, her breath smelling of beer. "nah, I'm fine right here." you said, taking another sip of your drink.

"well you're drag, y/n! one more beer please!" she shouted across the bar, and he nodded. he slid the bottle across the counter, and she took a large swig of it. "hey don't drink too much of that, i still have to take you home." you put your hand on her shoulder, looking into her dark brown eyes. "I'm fine! plus i met this really cute guy, his name is harry! i've never met anybody with that name! so posh." she slurred out, pointing to a tall man with curly brown hair. he had his hand stuffed in his pockets, and he took one out to wave a little.

"thats him!" she said, stumbling into you a little. you walk over too him. "you're harry?" you ask, your voice a little louder than normal due to the loud music playing.

"yes, you must be y/n." his voice is deep and scratchy, also British. certainly way out of Valeries league. "hey, just don't do anything stupid okay? i don't want to see her hurt." you explain, "i would never. i like a lot, actually. i was thinking of taking her home. if thats okay you, of course." he responded, "like i said. Don't hurt her. no means no, got it?" you scold, and his demeanor changes a little. "and like i said, i would never. my mum taught me better than that."

"y/n go find someone else! i saw him first." She pushes you off of him, and she grabs his hips, pulling him forward. you turn around, and go back to the bar where you go to search for your purse. but you feel a hand grab yours, pulling you back on the dance floor. "val-you aren't Valerie." you are met with a tall man, wearing a led zeppelin t-shirt, boot cut jeans, a black tussled leather jacket, and the look is pulled off with black cowboy boots.

"you dropped this." he says, handing you your wallet that must have fallen out of your jacket. "oh uh, thanks." you take it from his hand, but you can't help but stare into his beautiful green eyes. you never thought that green eyes were that beautiful, but his were...unique. They looked like a leaf of a tree, in the beginning of summer. bright, and young.

you stood there, you told yourself in your head to ask for his name. but you couldn't spill it out. "i'm Andy, by the way." he says, leaning closer to your ear so that you can hear him better, and clearer.

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