What is this thing that builds our dreams. Yet slips away from us?

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Adam's: POV


September 15th year 1966: Nashville

I woke up next morning to a empty bed. I panicked at first, but calmed down when I saw a note.

On a jogging round with Noah. Back in an hour/ Sirius

I got up and put on clothes. Charlie was still sleeping. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast to myself. I drank a cup of coffee and and read the newspaper.

Hours passed but my husband and son didn't come home. I started to get worried. I decided to search for them.

I ran to the forest and called at them. I had a worried lump in my stomach. Then I saw something that broke my heart into million of pieces.

Two dead wolves was lying on the ground. I fell on my knees and tears were streaming down my face. I stroked my son's bloody fur. I let out a scream of pain.

I dug a hole in the ground and buried them. I decorated the grave with beautiful flowers and leaves. I also sang a song for them.


I opened a bottle and filled a glass with red wine. I drank to shut out the pain. I empited the glass and opened a new bottle.

"Dad, where's papa and Noah?" asked Charlie. "They are dead!" I said. "What?" she asked shocked. "I found them dead in the forest!" I said. "Nooo!" she screamed. "Come here!" I said.

She ran into my arms and I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, puppy!" I said. "They're not dead!" she sobbed. "Shhh, it's okay!" I whispered. "I miss them!" said Charlie. "Me too!" I replied.

-End of the flashback-

If Adam only the knew truth💔

I hope you liked the chapter.


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