"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked her. She shook her head no and scooted over allowing me to sit. "Thanks." I said with a faint but broken smile. Usually I would just sit right down next to her and kiss her without asking if she minds. I just wanted things to go back to normal. I hated this.

Lunch was just as awkward as English. Maybe even worse. Hanna, Aria and Spencer were all talking about their boyfriends and Emily and I just sat there quietly. I reached to take a sip of my Coke and I put it back down, as I was pulling out I spilled Emily's apple juice all over her lap. She quickly shot up, "shit!" She yelled. It was all over her lap. 

"OH MY GOSH EM, IM SO SORRY." I said as grabbing napkins from the table. "Here let's go get you cleaned up." I said signaling her to the bathroom.

"No, I'll just go alone." She said to me. She ran off to the bathroom and I was still in shock. I looked at the girls and they were shocked to. I sat back down and put my face in my hands. I was so frustrated with myself. What else could I mess up? God I'm such an idiot.


I was in the bathroom cleaning the apple juice from my pants. I knew Ali felt terrible. I was fine though. I knew it was on accident. Everything was so awkward with Alison right now. I walked back in the cafeteria and I could see Ali frustrated with herself. I sat back down and Ali looked up.

"Em i'm so sorry." She said. She was really upset.

"It's okay. Don't worry about me. It just kind of looks like I peed in my pants." I said with a small smile. That made her laugh. I missed hearing her laugh. We were both lightly laughing and then we made eye-contact. Everything stopped, we were just staring in each others eyes. They were so beautiful. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I quickly got my stuff and left. Part of me felt scared to forgive Ali but I don't know why. I miss her so much though. My heart was just breaking.


Later that night---

I was so glad I was home. School was just too awkward and heart breaking right now. I missed Ali so much. It started raining tonight pretty hard tonight. I liked the rain, but it was also kind of making me more depressed. I don't know how much longer I can go without being with Ali. I just want everything to go back to normal.

My mom yelled at me to come eat for dinner. She has been noticing that I have not been normal the past few days. We ate in silence until she said,

"Emily, how are you and Alison?"

I sighed and answered, "I don't know." I just played with my food.

"What happened Honey? I can tell somethings wrong." She said. I kind of snapped and slammed my fork on my plate.

"I don't know mom, okay?!? Were not great! Happy?" I screamed. I knew she was hurt by me yelling at her. I quickly regretted it. She was just making sure I was okay.

"I'm sorry mom. I didn't mean to flip out." I quickly apologized.

"It's okay honey, I understand." She grabbed my hand across from across the table. I smiled and finished my dinner.

I was sitting in my room listening to music and looking at pictures of Ali and I. There was one of us just laughing, there one one of her laying her head on my shoulder and smiling. And there was one of us kissing. I took that picture and went to my bedside table. I replaced the picture of me in Hawaii with the one of Ali and I.

I looked at the picture and felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I looked outside and it was still raining really hard. I laid down on my bed and then heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door. I was shocked with what I saw. 

Ali was standing on my porch, alone, in the rain. I think she walked here. She looked freezing. She was holding her arms and shivering. She looked so broken and she was crying. Hard.

"Ali what are you doing?!" I asked her in shock. She just looked at me and shook her head.

"Em, I'm so sorry. For forgetting our anniversary. I'm sorry for being the worst girlfriend in the world when you were being the best. But I miss you, I miss kissing you and hugging you. I miss holding your hand. I just want to be with you and have things go back to normal even though I know I screwed up. I hate myself Emily. So much." I felt tears well up in my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

"Em.. I, i love you." She told me. I'm in shock. We stood there looking at each other. Her still in the rain. Tears were streaming down my face.

I grabbed her waist and kissed her. I kissed her so passionately. LIke I never have before. Tears were streaming down both of our faces while our lips were smashing together. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist and we continued kissing. She cupped my face and kissed me back just as passionately. I held her up and spun her around in the rain never letting our lips detach. The whole world stopped and it was just me and Ali. I missed her lips so much. She pulled away and looked into my eyes, and I looked into hers that were still red and puffy from crying. 

"I love you too, Ali" I said getting lost in her eyes. We both began crying again. Tears of joy. We both smiled.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her into my lips. She put her arms around my neck and kissed me back while the rain was getting us soaked. It was perfect.



Emison: I can't fight my feelingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz