Author Games: Salem - The Results

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I'd hate to use the lords name in vein and all but OH MY SHITTING GOD WHAT EVEN WERE THOSE ENTRIES ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Using your characters roles to affect their characterization was definitely a great idea and all of you produced a powerful end product! I'm glad I didn't have to choose because I'm dull and cliche and loved all of them in so many different ways - their own different ways.

And now you're thinking "Oh enough of the sentimental bollocks already and tell us the results." and even if you're not thinking that, I am anyway so ON WITH THE RESULTS!


First of all, we found ourselves awarding the Wildcard to the best bonus entry. The results were so tight here and there were so many times where one person was miles ahead and then miles down and it just went back anf forth throughout the day really! But, of course, the victors title goes to someone who was too excited or too arrogant [maybe a little bit of both] to keep their mouth shut about their role - hence the early death. 

WINNER - Mina Carlyle - GhostOfTheIceberg


And now for the main draw. Our fourth place character is personally one I thought fitted in with the scene of Salem the most. This same character had the most brilliant balance of drama and potential in their original form, and so by exceeding the high expectations I had for them, this writer continued each task to deliver something solid to the games and clearly claim herself as one to watch out for. She actually joined the games at the last minute and remained quiet and hidden throughout!

In fourth place: Sybil Josefina May, The Joker - Clove_Thenardier!


Now for third we have a ballsy and stand out character seen in Salem. Throughout the competition, time and time again, the characterization has been most fascinating. Their character, and her secret, clearly stood out at the start and they did not fall with the writing. Third place goes to someone who I hadn't seen much of her writing before and it impressed me incredibly, and clearly the public too!

In thrid place: Lucille Carginal, the Witch of Reslience!... Oh crap I mean Seduction! - ElfOfResilience!


Second place belongs to someone a little bit different from the rest! Her character is the typical accentric type that the kind of people living in Salem would choose to ignore. And ignore her they did. The writer consistantly proved herself enough after each task by offering something different with her lovable character, Toby... oh and I guess Jez was okay too... One task she wrote down entirely during a shopping trip to the mall and its all because I pouted and begged and told her I hated her. 

In second place: Jezebel Tinker, The Watching Wolf - Whor-OH, I mean - Oh_Nostalgia!


And at last, our first placing goes to a dedicated writer. Someone who lost hours of sleep by trying to come up with ways to play this game. Her ingenius actions caused her to go far, despite IT ACTUALLY BEING SEEN BY TASK TWO THAT SHE IS CLEARLY EVIL! But somehow she survived. Someone who listens to all the drunk people. Someone who had hundreds of secrets to share but only listened to others.

First place, our victor of Author Games: Salem: Joana Bradbury, Witch of Agression - RedTears!!


And now this is the final chapter for Salem! An original theme and a complex system, I certainly think the effort paid off. Its sad that the games have been short but they have definitely made me realize that I want to continue doing a series of Author Games!

I've enjoyed every second of Salem and hope to see all the competitors back here for Underworld! Most of you are seeded and will have bonuses in store! Check the rankings page on my profile to see! 

Underworld opens tomorrow, 8th September 2014. 10PM GMT time! Hope to see you all there and fighting for the best spaces ;)

This has been Author Games: Salem - signing out!

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