PEOPLE OF SALEM: Joseph Carlyle - The Mayor ✝

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Name: Joseph Carlyle

Age: 42

Sex: Male

Occupation: Mayor


Appearance: With pitch black hair that is starting to show streaks of grey and a worn face from years of stress and worry, Joseph was much better looking in his younger days. His age is slowly starting to show, especially as the stress of finding what happened to his daughter increased. Joseph has a very commanding structure, possibly one of the few reasons he was chosen for Mayor.  

Personality: Joseph tends to be quiet and in the background. He lets his wife take care of the image of their marriage and the town while he focuses on keeping the town under control. He tends to be very severe and stubborn though he is usually quite careless towards his wife. He is sure, deep down, somewhere in his soul, he truly cares for the people of Salem but at the moment he is too busy keeping the evil that threatens to unseat him from his place of power away from his town to go searching for it.

Family Tree: Joseph had two brothers and two sisters, all of which are older than him. Being the child of the family, he has had to bury both his grandparents, parents, and eldest brother. Growing up in poverty, he made sure to marry a good woman who could help him claw his way up through social ranks so he wouldn't die in poverty, like the rest of his immediate family.

History: Born in the small town of Medfield in 1650, Joseph moved to Salem when he was 23, following the death of his mother. Having little, he worked for his land by working odd jobs, cobbling together a decent enough earning until he could marry Mina and gained her status. Since then, he has done everything possible to stay there, even employing the gypsy to be his personal fortune teller.....very personal.

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