Task One: The Funeral - Female Entries

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Mina Carlyle - The Mayor's Wife

"Lucille, this is my daughter's funeral. My place is at the side of my husband's; please leave me be."

I look ahead of me, sighing as Lucille storms off, her heels slamming into the ground, causing a pitter-patter similar to that of rain. To those watching, it must be suspicious - I would not be where I am today if I did not have ways of knowing that people think Margeary's death was a murder. However, I doubt any of them would suspect me. To them, I am a saint. To my husband, I am a meal ticket. To Lucille, I am a fine lover. I am the only one to know just how monstrous I can be, if it is needed. 

"Are you well, darling? You look ill."

Though many a woman would be worried by a man like Joseph being so caring - my husband is not a doting man - I am not bothered; I already know of his affair. While I may be offended that he requires the presence of another, there is not much I can do about it. So, I decided  when I first heard of his affair that I would keep quiet and milk it for all it is worth. The entire village knows of his affair, though he thinks himself discreet, and they think even better of me for being so loving and loyal.

Little do they know.

"I am fine. It feels odd, being here; no mother should ever have to outlive her child."

"I know, darling. My condolences."

Joseph rests a hand on my shoulders and disappears, presumably not to return for the evening. Off in the distance, I can see the dark hair of his mistress: the gypsy woman who tells him his fate. She is with her husband, but that has never stopped Joseph before - presumably, he will say he is saying hello to every citizen, as a good mayor does. However, his intentions will not be lost on anybody in the village, except perhaps the poor man. How tragic. If it were in my interest, I would likely tell him, but that currently serves me no purpose.

A tap on my shoulder pulls my attention away from my husband, directing it to a man standing behind me instead. Though I think I would recognize someone as tall as he is, I do not remember seeing him around town. For a town like Salem, which has nothing to attract tourists, this is quite odd - odder even, considering the events that have been leading up to this visit. Briefly, it hits me that this man might be the one Joseph mentioned, the one being sent by the state-county Parrish.

"Mister Druitt! Welcome to Salem; we've been expecting you."

He smiles, shaking my hand in a firm, business-like manner. "Please, Madam Carlyle, call me Elijah. I hope I am not being a bother; I was going to address your husband first, but he seems elsewhere occupied."

"My husband is a very busy man, Elijah. Even a small town like Salem has plenty to supervise."

 "I am sure of it. As you may know, I was sent by the state-county Parrish to -"

"To investigate the murmurings of demonic possession in the town, yes. My husband tells me everything."

"Excellent. Could I ask you a few questions? I would like to learn as much as I can about the town and its inhabitants before starting my investigation. It would help me understand what forces may be at work in this affair."

"Of course. Do what you must, Elijah; I just want to know who is responsible for the murder of my daughter."

"So you do think it was a murder, then?" Elijah seems uncomfortable as he says this, but he soon regains his composure. 

"Everyone else seems to believe it."

"But do you?"

"I have no way of knowing either way. But tell me, Elijah: do you really think this possible? Demonic possession? It seems a tad far-fetched of a conclusion to which one would jump, does it not?"

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