PEOPLE OF SALEM: Murray McTillan - The Executioner ✝

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Name: Murray McTillan

Age: 35

Sex: Male

Occupation: Executioner


Appearance: A large man, he is often deemed intimidating. Standing at six foot even with a gruff voice and clean-shaven, he gives off the aura of being a stranger in the town. He has short and slightly thinning brown hair, and his steely blue eyes are only accentuated by his tanned skin and wrinkled features. His lips are often curved into a grim frown, his eyes always searching for anyone saying bad things about him. He is quite normal in body, as he is not stout nor is he thin, and he has a slightly square face with a pointed chin.

Personality: Aloof and quiet, no one really knows how he came to be in Salem. He doesn’t talk to many people and if he does there are rumours that speculate he is often rough and aggressive to others. However, he does his job quietly and doesn’t seem to have much remorse- however no one would be able to tell since they never look at his face while he does it. All in all, he seems to be very strange, though no one wants to confront him about it.

Family Tree: No one is sure, however it’s obvious he has Scottish descent, though his family immigrated to America far down in the tree, back when America was beginning to settle. He grew up in a town somewhere in America, and his family as far as he knows are dead or do not converse with one another. Murray eventually found his way quietly into Salem, settling into a small house on the outskirts of town. He does have a wife, Marie McTillan, who is two years younger than him, though the townsfolk never see her except once a month for her run into town. They do not have any children, though Murray really does love his wife.

History: Living in a small house on the outskirts of Salem, Murray lives quietly with his wife, rarely conversing with the other townsfolk, who are quite frankly nervous of him. He does his job and he does it well, being called into Salem and into neighbouring townships, and men of his job often get attributed to psychopaths, which he believes he isn’t. His only skeleton in the closet would be his childhood, where he often tried to throw rocks at animals, trying to wound them.

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