Author Games: Salem - Special Awards!!

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Excellent, excellent!

The games are at last at their end and let me tell you how amazing it is to finally finish an Author Games, holy baloney. Hopefully I've now got past that curse [and severe laziness], and will be able to carry on into Author Games: Underworld for those that wish to join!

Everyone's characters have been amazing to read and the way most of you responded to the tasks and with your roles actually out of the tasks, inspired me for some of the tasks.

So thanks to all of you who did your very best in these games!


Now there are five awards that will be entirely stock to each of my games, so they will be recurring. Any awards after the four big awards will be specific to these games and the events surrounding them.

The Character Award - +2 to ranking

Not only does this award go to stock character, but I also take into account their characterization throughout the tasks. I gladly grant this award to someone who I was so genuinely excited to see their progression... with the occupation that they had, it would be so easy to make this character dull and cliche yet this writer stepped away from any claims of such thing - and with ease too!

Notable others - Oh_Nostalgia, ElfOfResilience, Clove_Thenardier and MagmaKepner

WINNER - Thaddeus Adkins - TheDarkHorse

The Dark Horse Award - +1 to ranking

This award simply goes to someone who started completely afresh in my Games. They were the only contestant that, before Salem, I had not faced or seen them in any other Author Games around Wattpad. Kicking off the beginning with an impressive score of 11, this writer took their character straight to a deserved place in the Semi Finals. 

WINNER - Luca Grey - jujukingofearth

The Survivor Award - +1 to ranking

This, quite respectfully, goes to a character who was placed up for votes every single round possible -  until sadly, they fell short at the last hurdle by a mere one vote. This brave writer took on the most difficult character in my opinion, purely because there were just so many ways to do it wrong. Targeted twice by the serial killer and reaching the semi finals despite her low-score start, due to her talent, I am not left wondering why she was saved by the public and targeted by her fellow competitors.

WINNER - Joseph Carlyle - TotTheRussian

The I'll Probably Maybe Do It Tomorrow Award - +1 to ranking

There is not much else to say here, the writer handed in the first task with a slight extension and the next tasks that followed were either clearly on the dot or just seconds before the actual deadline. It can be stressful, I know, but I've been there - in fact I should be writing an entry right now. A remarkable talent, being able to paste it all out and slap that send button with mere seconds remaining. There were just many moments where I did not think they would hand in at all. You bring it upon yourself, my child.

Notable others - TotTheRussian

WINNER - Chastity Lydia Carstairs - SilverAndGoldfish

The Iceberg Award - +1 to ranking

In a world like Salem, it seems that everyone litterally hates eachother. Like legit, I want to satb you in your sleep kind of hate - I only assigned one serial killer, guys, chill out! Anyways, in a world such as this, the love, when it shows, stands out and I want that kind of thing rewarded. And for someone whos best friend is his cat, and reading this writers last entry, there is only one person for this reward. That last line slayed me, good job.

WINNER - Jezebel Tinker and her cat, Toby - Oh_Nostalgia


Awards orginal to Author Games: Salem

The Keen Bean Award - +1 to ranking

Originally this award was very hard to determine its victor. Out of the tasks, I saw a spark of eagerness in each of you through sleepless hours and endless lists - lists that no one actually got correct until the semi-final was halfway. As the majority of you spent many moments pondering over what you do not know, there was not a stand-out competitor. However there was, of course, one person that, despite falling so early, managed to remain interested in the games. This person pretty much handed in first every time and even managed to squeeze in the bonus task to their busy schedule! 

Notable others - ElfOfResilience

WINNER - Mina Carlyle - GhostOfTheIceberg

The Hanging Tree Award - +1 to ranking

Simply this award goes to someone who was killed very early on and received the rope-and-neck treatment before we really got to see the best parts of their character. The writer from the start grabbed peoples attentions with his usual glamorous choice of character. Unfortunately the writer for this character is perceived  to be some sort of devil in the disguise of a ginger, Canadian thespian. 

Notable others - MagmaKepner and Thaddeus Adkins

WINNER - Mina Carlyle - GhostOfTheIceberg

The Role Model Award - +2 [+1 Runner up]

This award goes to who I think used their role to their best advantage. The clear claiming of this was incredibly early on, the first task in which people used their roles in fact! Being a Witch role, this person knew that the Witch Hunter would see whoever they chose to use their role upon. Getting herself out of suspicions extremely early on, they decided to use their role on their own character in order to make the Witch Hunter cross them off as supicious. This had a larger affect than she expected because this also confused the hell out of the Insomniac, so brava! Mission accomplished!

Notable others - MagmaKepner

WINNER - Joana Bradbury - RedTears

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