Task One: The Funeral - Male Entries

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Joseph Carlyle The Mayor

Mayor Joseph Carlyle sighed as yet another mourner came up to him to give their condolences. What good were their condolences? Were they going to bring his daughter back? Were they going tell him who the killer was? Well, that actually might happen, he mused, eyes narrowing slightly as he surveyed the crowd milling about. People tended to be careless with their words. He would have to talk to Joana, his niece, to see if anyone had said anything. It was amazing to see what loose lips people had after a few pints. 

"I'm very sorry for your loss," a deep voice stated at his left side as he began watching his wife make rounds around the crowd, thanking everyone gracefully. 

Though he hadn't been expecting it, Joseph didn't start. instead he stilled for a moment before glancing at the man. He wasn't very significant, on the short side with dark brown hair and washed out gray eyes. Joseph gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Thank you for your kind words, Mr...?" Joseph trailed off, tilting his head inquiringly.

"Elijah Druitt. I'm a man of God and have been sent by the church to investigate the whispers that the Devil had a hand in this," Mr. Druitt explained frankly.

"Hm," Joseph hummed. "I do not believe this is the work on the Devil."

"Oh?" Mr Druitt raised an eyebrow. "You think you know of such matters better than a man of God?"

"I don't pretend so, no," Joseph murmured. "But I do believe it was a man simply because I can punish a man. Only  the Good Lord can punish Devil." 

"It is not right for one to speak of punishing with such implications," Mr. Druitt said warningly.

"They killed my daughter," Joseph ground out, eyes flashing warningly. 

Mr. Druitt's eyes seemed to soften. "What was the last time you saw her?"

Joseph hesitated but it was a moment he had thought about for a long time. "I last saw her, talked to her, just before she left the house to visit a friend. Joana, the landlady. They've been close ever since Joana came here."

"You don't think...?"

"No." Joseph shook his head. "It might have been any of the men at the tavern, but I know it wasn't Joana."

Mr. Druitt was silent for a moment. "Have you seen anything unusual around Salem lately?"

Joseph thought for a moment. Anything unusual? What exactly did that constitute? The idea to hint that someones weren't exactly pure danced through his mind before he batted it back. There was no need for this to come back to him. "Not as far I know, no." He didn't need this 'man of God' to conduct his investigation. He would just get in the way. 

"Where were you when she died?"

Joseph froze for a second, his mind scrambling for an excuse. He hadn't been asked that question yet and was wholly unprepared to answer it. "I, um, was at, aah, important, private meeting discussing the future of the town," he blustered. 

Mr. Druitt looked startled. "I-"

"Excuse me, I must go to my wife. It's time we went home and grieved in peace." Joseph brushed by M. Druitt, his heart pounding. He couldn't know about Lillian. It would ruin him. He had to make sure Mr. Druitt knew nothing about the gypsy. 

Joseph set off determinedly in her direction. He would make sure she kept her mouth shut. Or else.


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