Task Five: The Final Speech - Voting

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Okay, so well, its come around to that time in the competition where all my feels get neglected, beaten, slapped and told to 'stay still' because 'it won't hurt unless I struggle.'




A massive massive congrats to our four finalists! Its been very hard to survive in a game where virtually everyone wants you lynched - especially a small, close knit one!

Sybil Josefina May - Clove_Thenardier

Lucille Carginal - ElfOfResilience

Jezebel Tinker - Oh_Nostalgia

Joana Bradbury - RedTears


But, of course, only one person can win! Despite the fact that each of you are now actually dead #Lawl

To vote, please PM my account in clear typing those who you would like to win. One, Two or Three names, please! Clearly voting all four would be ridiculous and if you did I would screen-shot it and show the world so we can all laugh at you and your idiocy.

Contestants may vote but obviously not for themselves. And I advise that you do vote because if you want to secure a place in Author Games: Underworld, then the first hour of reservations is open to those only that voted for these games!

With your vote[s], you should also send me ONE vote for who you think has the best BONUS entry. Again, you may not vote for yourself with this and if you do not vote, you will not be on the list of people able to join for Underworld within the first hour of reservations opening!

Voting closes Sunday 7th September 2014 [10pm BST] When the winner of Author Games: Salem, will be announced a short while after that!

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