Task Five: Bonus Task - Entries

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Lucille Carginal - Witch Of Seduction - ElfOfResilience

"Joseph," I sigh, sitting around the table in Joana's bar with him and Joana herself. "They're onto you two. You are Joana aren't exactly keeping yourselves out of the limelight, are you?" It isn't angering me, but it's a little frustrating when you're attempting to save their lives and they're prancing around the town.

"Sorry Lucille," Joseph laughs, sipping his drink a little more. Since the death of Mina Carlyle, his beloved wife, he's spent a lot of time here with myself and Joana. "Now, help me out, will you? I need to know who to copy tonight."

Smiling, I produce the tiny piece of paper I've been using to keep track of our targets in Salem. "Well, we've eliminated the serial killer - who would leave you alone," I say. "Amongst us, we have a vigilante, a guard, a joker and some kind of investigative dude."

"Lucille, have you seen this list?" With that, Joana pulls a slip of paper from her jacket pocket and presses it against the table. "When you were away seducing Mable last night, Joseph followed Murray - that insomniac execution guy - and found out who the town were keeping their eyes on."

"From this," Joseph smiles, "I learned the basic roles of others. Thaddeus, Murray and Mable are now dead - as you know." Grabbing the list from Joseph's hand, I examine the paper and cross off the names of the dead. With this, I'm able to work out some amazing things.

"So, Sybil and Luca haven't been stalking anyone, hey?" I point out. "We know Luca is the investigative, you found that out on our first night. That makes Sybil the joker, right?" Scribbling the roles down next to their names, I smile, feeling accomplished with my work so far. 

"That leaves the vigilante and the wolf," Joana yells, pouring herself a drink. Currently,the bar is closed because of the events of last night - we're so close to eliminating the others and we need to discuss it privately. "Who's left?"

"Chastity Lydia, the girl I was lumped with the other day, and Jezebel," I say, looking at the list before me. "I'm gonna seduce Lydia tonight. From my guessing - which has been more accurate than yours - I think she's the vigilante we need to eliminate. That leaves Jez as the wolf."

"How do you know?" Joseph gasps, watching me write the roles down on the paper next to their names. "And how does this prove anything? Explain, Lucille." Nodding, I clear my throat and laugh slightly. I'm not sure if I'm just too observant, or if everyone else doesn't care as much as me, but it seems as clear as day to me.

"If Chas is the vig, she'll attack me, simple. Why? Every pairing had one evil person - myself - and one innocent person - her," I point out. "If I block her, she won't be able to attack. If the vigilante still strikes, then we know it's Jezebel. And if Jezebel is the vig, we know that they'll go after Joana, for they were paired together in that hunt."

"You're too observant," Joana laughs, placing three beers on the table in front of us. "But it's totally true. While it does have potholes, it isn't the worst idea we've had since the beginning of our ordeal. Then again, how do we know if they are the vigilante?"

"We know the causes of suspicion and death right now," Joseph smiles. "Like we know that I was being accused because of Thaddeus aka the serial killer. The vigilante would have the same effect." The three of us cheers to the the plan. "I'm gonna copy you Joana - there are two murderers tonight."

"Well, I'm gonna go find Lydia and seduce her," I wink at the witches. As I slide away from the two and leave the bar, a smile creeps over my face - we have a shot at annihilating the entire town. And I am grasping it as hard as I can, because I'm desperate to eliminate everyone else. 

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