PEOPLE OF SALEM: Jezebel Tinker - The Tinker ✝

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Name: Jezebel Tinker

Age: Twenty

Sex: Female

Occupation: Jez refers to herself as a Tinker, as she read in a fairy tale her mum used to read her. She always liked how it sounded, being her last name and all. Really, she is an inventor, but she doesn't like how bland it sounds.


Appearance: Jez is nothing special- actually, she is quite ugly. Her brown hair is thin and always messy, mostly because she has never though about brushing it much. Her nose is too big on her small face and her skin is blotchy and most of her teeth are chipped and twisted. She wears large glasses that are too big for her face and she is constantly pushing them up. She is never seen without her signature cap- bright red and messy, as she made it herself.

Personality: Most people think of Jez as crazy. She talks too frequently and when she does, it's too loud. She constantly mutters under her breath, no matter where she is. She is over enthusiastic and puts all of her energy into everything she does. Even frustration just pushes her to work harder, as she is determined in her profession. No one has ever seen her in a bad mood. Even when she sliced off half her finger with her tools, she was back in town the next day laughing and smiling to everyone she saw. She thinks most people waste their lives away being miserable and doesn't want to be like them.

Family Tree: Jez doesn't have much of a family, as she came to the town alone a few years ago. Her mother died years ago, she never knew her father and her brother left home after their mum died. She does have a cat, Toby, that she found before Salem. She credits Toby as being her only friend.

History: Jez doesn't have any secrets. She likes being open, even if those around her don't care about her stories. No one knows anything about her life before she arrived to Salem, but nothing else about her is a mystery.

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