Task One: The Funeral

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Margaery Carlyle's death came as a huge shock to the town. Not only was she the Mayor's daughter and only child, she was a healthy, prosperous teenager just at an age of sixteen. So there isn't much surprise, of course, to say that speculation began to arise when her disfigured body was found on the outskirts of Aether Forest. Not many details have been released as to what caused her death and, naturally, the people of old Salem Town have had to use their imagination. Some say she was taken by thieves... others say she became intoxicated, lost her way and tripped. But most people... now this is the most curious theory of all... most people are almost certain that the young girl was possessed.

The day is grey upon Salem town as the sun hides behind thick clouds. Each family in the old village, no matter of what class or status, readies themselves for the long and solemn day ahead.

The clock at the old church strikes seven and the good people begin to leave the stillness of their houses, each of them smartly dressed and draped in blacks, greys and whites. In the next thirty minutes, the area around the church will begin to swell with people - every person in sight gracing a silent smile of respect and honour. 

At exactly eight o'clock in the morning on the 16th of February 1692, the funeral service begins.


Task: Your character and their family MUST attend the funeral. Your response should be set  sometime within the space of waking up that day, to leaving the church after the ceremony has ended. However, whenever you set your entry, you must be confronted by a Mr Elijah Druitt. He explains to you that he is a man of god and has been sent by the state-county church Parish to investigate the murmurings of demonic possession. Before long you realize that the prying man is in fact interrogating you over the suspicious death of Miss Carlyle. To him, among other questions if you see fit, you MUST answer:

1) Where you were on the night of her death.

2) What the last contact you had with her was.

3) And if you'd ever noticed any unusual events around Salem recently.


REMINDER: Your entry must NOT give away what your role is. Your role is strictly for out-of-task purposes and does not merge with your  characterization until later stages.

I will be marking your entries out of twelve based on a scheme of my Own. although no other task will be marked, it will act as a guideline to start the games off by showing who will and who won't be a threat.

For this taskyou may NOT use your ability and there will be NO ballot deaths. No one will die or face votes during this task.

DEADLINE: Sunday, 10th August, 10pm BST!

WORD LIMIT: 1,500 Words.

*SEND YOUR FINISHED TASK TO ME AT jackarchiegrant@gmail.com!*



EVERY TASK will feature the CON ARTIST COLUMN. Prior to posting the task I will have asked the Con Artists to send me a name of who they want to see get into trouble basically. And here they are:

STATEMENT 1: The Mayor is an 'Evil' Role.

STATEMENT 2: The Tinker is an 'Evil' Role.

STATEMENT 3: The Mayor's Wife is an 'Evil' Role.

The more perceptive among you may have realized that there are three statements and only two con artists... well of course I wasn't just going to show you two blatant lies now was I? No, ONE of these statements is a statement made by me... and ONE of these statements are correct. The other two however, are completely and utterly and entirely wrong. Use them as you see fit.

Author Games: SalemWhere stories live. Discover now