The Form

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*To be filled out and sent to me ASAP at HeadOnJackwards Wattpad account OR email at*


Name: [Preferably a rather old fashioned name but it can still be stylish. I don't particularly want any modern names like Mercedes plz or I'll cri everytim.]

Age: [16-100]

Sex: [♂ or ♀]

Occupation: [Those who claimed already roled characters, Mayor, Priest etc, should put that role here. However, if you reserved a 'Townsfolk' you may add in any occupation of your choosing. Keep to the theme of the year by baring in mind that these games are set in the late 1600's. Blacksmiths, Tailors, Stable boys. Be creative]

Appearance: [Description required, picture optional]

Personality: [However detailed you deem necessary to describe your character]

Family Tree: [A short paragraph explaining various heritages, children and spouses. What relationship does your character have with each of these family members. It is recommended finding relatives in the other writers that are playing.]

History: [Any dark secrets we should know about...? Any unknown skeletons lurking in theie closet?]

Author Games: SalemWhere stories live. Discover now