Chapter Forty-Four: Repose

Start from the beginning

"Heh, obviously." Katsuki leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms across his chest. "But spice cake isn't nearly as sweet as normal cake, so I don't mind it."

You nodded, thinking for a moment. "Hey Katsuki, can I ask you something?"

"Tch, just fucking ask. You don't need my permission to ask a question."

"Um, okay." You took a deep breath in through your nose as you fidgeted nervously with your hands. "What exactly happened today, between you and Shoto?"

Katsuki leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. "Why didn't you just ask that fucking half-and-half bastard?"

You swallowed hard, looking down at your hands. "He wouldn't have told me, even if I'd asked. He'd just brush it off and say that it wasn't anything I should worry about." You sighed in frustration. "He always feels the need to protect me from even the simplest of things, for absolutely no reason."

"Heh, that's an understatement."

"What do you mean?" You raised your eyes to look at Katsuki, his crimson ones watching you closely.

"You're not as fragile as he'd like to believe. You don't need to be protected from everything. Your brave. Stupid, but brave." Katsuki's fiery eyes met yours. " At the USJ, you acted instantly to jump to my and Shitty hair's aid. You didn't even hesitate last year when that sludge villain attacked. As far as you knew, there was no way for you to use your quirk to help me, yet you still launched yourself at us. You could have just as easily gotten stuck in the sludge villain with me, but you didn't care."

You gaped at Katsuki in shock as he continued. "I watched your fight with that blue-haired bastard from the Sports Festival last year. It was..." he flashed a wicked smile. "It was brutal. You're not weak. Half-and-half needs to stop acting like you are."

You sucked in a breath, remembering how injured you'd been after your fight with Touya the previous year. It was the last round of fighting, and you'd both been gunning for first place. Since neither of you had to worry about fighting another opponent afterwards, you both went all out.

"I've been thinking about that, actually," Katsuki pushed aside his empty mug. "Why didn't the teachers interfere during your fight? I didn't think they allowed students to practically kill each other during the Sport Festival."

You winced. He was right. Your fight with Touya had really been brutal. He'd learned to make small forcefields into knife like weapons, and had managed to get a few good slices and stabs in during the battle.

"Not normally, no. They're a little more lenient with the older years since we're supposed to have more control over our quirks. If it'd been anyone else, they definitely would have stopped it." You stared into the bottom of your mug. "They just didn't want to knock me out in case I shifted to the void and lost consciousness. They were afraid that I'd die of blood loss if that happened." You let out a humourless laugh. "Plus, Touya and I were determined to fight to the end, so they kind of just had to wait for it to be over."

"I'm sure your boyfriend wasn't too fucking happy about that," Katsuki snorted.

"That's an understatement," you chuckled. "I don't think I've ever seen someone so pissed and relieved at the same time, let alone him."

"Heh, that's one way to show that you aren't weak, and that you won't stop until you've come out on top." Katsuki smirked. "I can get behind that."

"Too bad you and I can't duke it out during the Sport Festival. I'd love to see your face after I kicked your ass."

You laughed as Katsuki made a face, his whole demeanour changing. "OI! Don't think you're better than me just because you're older! I'd kick your ass! I'm the fucking best!"

You rolled your eyes as he continued on. "Look," you interrupted his furious rambling. "I should probably get going. I have school work and I need to train."

Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you but settled down as you flagged down the waitress. You moved to grab your wallet from your bag when Katsuki suddenly slapped some money down on the table, making you jump.

"I'll pay."

You shook your head. "No. I ate pretty well all of your cake, so I should pay for that, and my stuff."

"We're friends aren't we? I'll pay."

"Katsuki," you gave him a sharp look. "Friends pay for their own things, unless it's a special occasion."

"Oi, that other girl paid for your stuff earlier. Why the hell can't I do the same?" His crimson eyes watched you expectantly.

You sighed in defeat. God damn it, Nanami! This is all your fault. "Fine, but only this once."

Katsuki smiled triumphantly as the waitress took his money and you shoved your wallet back into your bag. You stood, collecting yourself as you avoided his gaze. "I'll be going then."

Katsuki leapt to his feet. "I'll walk you home."

"Don't push it," you shot him a glance before taking a few steps forward, disappearing into the void.

It wasn't until you arrived at home that you realized Katsuki hadn't actually told you what had happened between them at lunch. You swore as you flopped onto your bed. Guess it'd be weird to ask again. Maybe I should just forget about it.

Chasing Reality (Katsuki Bakugo X Reader X Shoto Todoroki) UNFINISHED Where stories live. Discover now