29. Unchained Melody

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Author's Note: Oh my Gosh guys.... i seriously wanted to cry when i wrote this hahaha Sorry this took so long but i wanted to make this as good as possible for you guys. I love all of you so much for reading this and hope this story never disappoints you! Votes and Comments are excepted!


I stared into blackness and felt the bumpy road beneath us as the car sped off to another unknown destination. If you are currently wondering if I have been kidnapped then my answer to you is yes...yes I have. Well, Nathan has once again successfully talked me into being blindfolded...how he did that I have no clue. Even though tonight has gone extraordinarily well, I kind of want to kill him. He knows I hate surprises and yet he still wants to continue surprising me tonight!

"For the hundredth time Ev, I am not kidnapping you! I'm just surprising you one last time okay?!"

"Ugh! Fine! It better be amazeballs..." Silence.

"Did you just say..."

"Amazeballs? Yup. I did."


"Don't judge me sloth."

"Oh not you too!"

I chuckled in reply as he groaned in disapproval of his nickname. Where the actual fuck was he taking me? I felt us come to a stop suddenly and I felt around for the door.

"Wait! I'm not done being a gentleman!" I heard him scurry out of the car, his door slamming shut, and then him fumbling with my door. I felt the cool night air hit me and his scent wafting inside the car.

"Please don't let me fall or trip or break anything Nathan."

"You are precious cargo Ev, I wouldn't think of it." We both chuckled as he eased me slowly out of the car. I felt him let go of my hand so I was standing there for a few seconds alone while he shut my door.

"So don't be too excited about what's happening next, like I said, it's nothing too special."

"Then why am I blind folded Nathan?" I heard him laugh under his breath as he started to drag me towards God knows where.

"No reason really. Just knew it would annoy you." He said this and my mouth hung open in disgust.

"You're shitting me right?!" I reached for the blind fold but felt him tug my hands back down.

"Don't even think about taking it off! I'll tie your hands up if you do."

"You'd like that wouldn't you..." I knew he was smirking at my statement.

"You're right... I would." I felt shivers run up my spine. How did he make something that should be really creepy sound so sexy at the same time?! I felt us come to a stop and he mumbled something.

"What's wrong?"

"Stairs." I went to reach for my blind fold again so we could just get this over with. I was fully capable of walking up a flight of stairs.

"Everly! What did I say about the damn blind fold?!"

"I'm just trying to make this easier for you!" I groaned as I let my hands drop to my sides. I heard him laugh again and then felt myself being scooped up from the ground.

"NATHAN!" I all but screamed in shock.

"Oh calm down woman...I'm just carrying you up the stairs. Don't make a scene or someone might actually think I'm kidnapping you." We began to ascend the stairs and so I wrapped my arms around his neck.

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