17. Thank God for Tom Parker

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Author's Note: Sorry it took so long for an update! Didn't think anyone wanted to read it but some peeps on twitter decided they would start reading it and I've gotten some good feedback! So without further ado...here is chapter 17. It's short but the next chapter will be much longer!


I am growing frustrated...sexually frustrated...this boy...this man...is tempting me more than I thought any man could. All those late night conversations...all those longing stares and quick glances like I didn't just see him staring at my ass...yeah...he is driving me insane. All the flirting and his lingering touches are eating away at my soul. Butterflies are an understatement. It feels like a flock of birds are trying to escape from my stomach at all times. I am feeling constantly nauseas and I don't know what to do about it! Help me?

I'm not sure when my mind and heart decided that they were falling for Nathan. There is no logical or rational explanation as to why I allowed it to happen as well. It's completely naïve and stupid of me to let myself do such a thing for a guy who absolutely hated my very existence just a few months earlier. I feel like I have fallen into every stereotypical role that I said I would never be. I never wanted to be the girl who fell for the guy who treated her like shit. Nathan doesn't treat me badly anymore of course; he has actually been really sweet. A complete gentleman if I'm being 100% honest with myself.

You are probably wondering when I first noticed or began to recognize that I had a little something for Nathan and I guess it would have to be the night that he took care of me while I was drunk. After that, everything was just...peaceful...

"Everly...Ev?...good lord woman you sleep like a dead person!" Nathan's incessant nagging was slowly waking me up. Not only was his nagging making my head hurt, it also didn't help that I had a pounding headache along with it. I rolled out of his arms to my right and curled up in a tight ball. 

"Naaaath. Leave me alone. I don't want to get up yet."

I heard a quiet laugh, "You've got a hangover don't you? I don't want to say I told you so but...I told you so." I groaned in response. He could be right for once. I rolled myself to a sitting position and rested my head on my hands with my elbows on my knees. I started massaging my temples trying to coax my headache away when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

I jumped at his touch and made to turn my head around to look at him but he stopped me. 

"Calm down, I'm just giving you a massage. It will help." I heard a smile in his voice which made me a little worried but I wasn't about to turn down a backrub when I was in a state like this. I let my head droop forward as his hands worked their magic and I wasn't unaware of how much magic they worked on me. Every single time his fingers pushed into one of my muscles tingles shot everywhere and my nerve endings would set on fire. It felt amazing. I'm not 100% sure if Nathan was feeling the same thing as I was but his hands did start to roam down my back, caressing every inch of it. I felt one of his hands glide up my spine, while the other continued to work my sore muscles, and land on my neck. The heat of his palm against the sensitive skin on my neck made my breath hitch a little. This was definitely not how I expected Nathan Sykes, the angriest person I knew, to have an effect on me. He leaned his head around to my left side and brought his hand up to my chin. He guided my face towards his while I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to face the fact that maybe, just maybe, Nathan might actually kiss me, for real.

I felt like I was burning up. Both of his hands were now settled on either side of my face and I could feel him leaning into me. I still kept my eyes shut for fear that this might still be a dream. I don't know when this happened. When I began to feel something for him but right now, I didn't care. In this moment in time, although he had played me for a fool before with this kissing game of his, I didn't give a shit. I wanted him and I hoped, no...I prayed he wanted me too. I felt his breath on my lips, he was so close to me now and I felt myself wanting to lean into it and end my agony now, but I wanted to make sure he wanted this. I felt his lips brush mine lightly, his hands drawing me closer to him.

"And what do we have here?! Is Nathan's Nicely coming out to play?!" I jumped back as soon as I heard Tom's Bolton accent. Nathan's hands just dropped to his side, looking defeated. 

"Oh come on Tom! You can't just come barging in here! I've told you that a thousand times!" Nathan whined and it was a cute sound and look for him. I could feel myself blushing. I almost fell for it. I almost let him kiss me! Just because things were good now didn't mean I automatically needed to like the damn guy! I pushed myself off the bed and walked past Tom to go downstairs. I could still hear Tom's cackling laugh as I went to go sit on the couch next to Lucy who looked very flustered. 

"And why do you look like you've just gotten the best make out session of your life?" She blushed as she fixed her hair and wiped her smudged lip gloss. 

"Maybe because I have? Haha, and what about you? You look like you've just gotten laid!" I stared at her with utter shock.

 "I DO NOT!" I laughed. 

"Go look at yourself in the mirror! I'm not lyin'!" I walked over to the kitchen mirror and stared back at myself. 

"Holy shit. You weren't kidding." Lucy's only response was a loud laugh and an "I told you so!" My hair was all in knots from sleeping last night, my make up was smudged all over the place, and my strokes t-shirt was stretched out. Why the fuck would anyone want to kiss me looking like this? I was mortified. He obviously wasn't feeling right this morning if he felt the need to kiss me looking like hell! I pulled my hair into a messy bun and wiped as much of my make up off as possible. I was about to turn away from the mirror when I decided I should check my breath status as well. I checked and was appalled. Thank GOD I didn't kiss him. Thank GOD for Tom Parker.

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