11. Cruel Intentions

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Author's Note: So it's back to Ev's POV and I hope you enjoy the chapter! Leave me some feedback please!


I'm not quite sure what just happened back there with Nathan. I couldn't contain myself. He was asking me why I was so infuriating. Really? I couldn't help but laugh in his face. The alcohol in my system definitely didn't help the situation either. I was currently walking towards the bathroom hoping to find Lucy there when a set of arms wrapped around me.

            "Hello? Ever heard of personal space?" I turned around to be greeted with a very good looking guy. He had a cocky demeanor about him and I knew guys like him didn't believe in personal space. 

"You're an amazing dancer, babe. Wanna dance?" I groaned silently to myself. 

"Do I have to?" I said really childishly. If that didn't turn him off then he was clearly desperate. He just smirked and pulled me onto the dance floor. The song was awful, his dancing was pure shit, and I was getting bored. I kept checking my watch to see how long we had been dancing. Good God! It's been ten fucking minutes of the same damn song! My thighs were currently screaming at me for dancing so long and I prayed they would forgive me in the morning.

            As if on cue, the song finally ended and I could make my escape. This guy was gross. He was the epitome of the classic douchebag. I began to walk away when he whipped me around and kissed me. EW! was my only thought process. I wasn't strong enough to get out of his arms as he pushed me up against the wall. My eyes were wide open and I just prayed he would get it out of his system soon. I knew he wouldn't rape me because of how many people were here, but this was still seriously disgusting and frightening. He had my arms pinned down to the side so I couldn't move at all. I wanted to cry but I figured as long as I kept my mouth still he would realize that I wasn't into it. Not even thirty seconds later I saw Lucy's blonde head moving through the crowd towards us. I thanked her in my mind as she approached us and she gave me the most disappointed look I have ever seen in my life. My own parents have never looked at me that way. Did she seriously think I was enjoying this? MY EYES WERE OPEN!

            "Wow. This is just great Everly. Excuse me, guy? Could I borrow my cousin maybe? Only if you are done raping her mouth that is." Damn. Lucy was pissed. The guy let go of me and looked like he was going to freak out on her but I grabbed her arm and ran with her to the other side of the club. Before we made it to the exit Lucy pulled me back which caused me to whip around and I was met with her glaring at me.

            "So now you just make out with random strangers? What the fuck has happened to you?" I stared at her in disbelief. 

"You really, honestly believe that I chose to make out with that weirdo?" She dropped her hand from mine and folded her arms. 

"I don't know what to believe anymore. You are turning into someone you always said you would never be." I just stood there and soaked in what she just said. My own cousin thought I was changing. I dropped my gaze down to the floor. I had nothing to say. I felt like I had just been smacked across the face. Taking my silence as her victory she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the club. I was immediately met with Tom and the others in my face wondering where I had been. I just laughed. I had nothing to say to anyone. Lucy informed them that I was making out with some random stranger and I shot her a look. Great, now everyone knew what had happened even though from my end it was more like I was being taken advantage of. I stormed off in the direction of their apartment, not caring if they were following me or not.

            It was really cold even though I had this jacket on. Nathan's jacket. I couldn't escape the guy! I mentally threw daggers at him wishing he could feel my silent tortures. I heard feet pounding the pavement behind me. I didn't even look, cause I knew who it would be.

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