20. Patience is a Virtue

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Author's Note: *Does dance jig and sings* YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS CHAPTER! YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS CHAPTER! I PROMISE I PROMISE! cause i fucking loved writing it :D and now, the long anticipated Chapter 20... go for it! Votes and Comments are more than welcome!


It was midnight and we had finally arrived at the club. I was thanking God because my feet were beginning to kill me and I only had two shots in me at the moment. The boys however were pretty hammered already. They took pre-gaming to a whole other level. Lucy and I were immediately drawn to the dance floor as usual so as soon as "Scream" by Usher came on we flew to the floor. I was feeling really good, alcohol in my system, cute dress on, dancing with my cousin, my night was good. Also, Nathan hadn't taken his eyes off of me the entire time. I tried to ignore it but it was kind of hard not to see him when he made it so obvious. He had brushed past me a few times, playfully flicking my hair to annoy me and once his hand had glided against my arm, effectively raising goosebumps on my arm. I still hated that he could do that to me.

I was starting to feel a little bit dizzy so I told Luce I was gonna go sit down. She was too engulfed in dancing that she didn't seem to care or notice. I just laughed and slowly made my way through the crowd to sit down at the bar next to the guys. Upon my arrival Max and Michelle were making out, Siva and Nareesha were holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes, while Jay was talking to some blonde girl, and Tom and Nathan were in an intense conversation. I took the only spot available next to Tom and Nath.

"Tom Tom, Lucy is out there dancing alone just so you know." He broke his conversation with Nathan and looked at me bewildered.

"Wha'? You left her by herself?! I swear if a guy lays a hand on her..." and with that he took off towards the dance floor in obvious pursuit of his girlfriend. I inwardly "awed" and dreamily rested my head in my hand. I hadn't even noticed I was left alone awkwardly with Nathan until he scooted closer to me.

"You look awfully alone there Ev." He said mockingly. I rolled my eyes and huffed out a sigh.

"You look pretty alone yourself Nath." His eyes went a little wide before asking, "Since when do you call me Nath?" I shrugged my shoulders. Great I was caught with word vomit again.

"Since when have I not called you Nath?" I shook my head at myself. Nice comeback Ev...smoooooth. He chuckled and moved closer to me.

"You are awful at speaking when you are drunk." I noticed he checked me out again while he said that.

"Could you maybe make it a little less obvious when you check me out?" Wow...Once again I hate myself when I'm drunk. He took a step back at my bluntness and laughed.

"Who said I'm fucking checking you out? Maybe I'm observing how blatantly wasted you are." Here we go again. Him and his assholery.

"Whatever Nathan. Quit fucking being in denial about it." Another one of his smirks crossed his mouth.

"Since when am I in denial when it comes to you?"

"Oh come on! Seriously? It's kind of obvious kid! You are forever insulting me to try and make yourself feel better about your sudden attraction to me!" An angry look flitted through his eyes when I said kid, which reminded me of our last fight.

"Don't call me kid." He was getting angry and I was pushing all the right buttons. I couldn't help it. It's like we were meant to hate each other.

Hypnotized by DrumsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon