24. Boys Are Stupid That Way

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Author's Note: Next chapter is going to be a fantastic one! Hope you love this one because i loved writing it! Max is featured in the chapter! I missed his goofy self in the fanfic :D


After I had thrown the note away I stormed upstairs and made sure I slammed my door shut as hard as possible. I really didn't care if he thought I was childish, I was pissed. Don't fucking ask me on a date, have a great time, and then suddenly sketch out and hardly speak to me before you go inside the same house we are hanging out at.

"Fucking twat." I said under my breath. I walked to my side of the bed and began pulling some comfortable clothes out to wear. I threw on a pair of my pajama shorts that had polar bears on them wearing Santa hats, and I tugged on a big, dark colored, t-shirt. I then plopped on top of the mattress and was engulfed in Tom's scent. Every time I left this place and came back I was always hit with his cologne in some way or other. I had to admit, he smelled pretty good, but not as good as...fuckwad in the other room. What the fuck was his problem. I huffed a sigh and rolled to my right grabbing the sheets in my hands and putting my legs on either side of them. This was my comfort zone. Whenever I was upset, angry, worried, or stressed, I would assume this position and be out like a light in a matter of minutes...and that's exactly what I did.

2 hours later...

"Wakey Wakey Ev, you've got some FUCKING EXPLAINING TO DO!" I squinted as Lucy's voice intruded on my dreams.

"Okay okay! Don't YELL IN MY EAR!" I shouted back before laughing. I sat up and stretched my legs and arms out as she sat there impatiently.

"Where did you go?"

"To the carnival."

"Without me?!"


"Dammit Everly! I wanted to go with you!" She gave me a pout and I just shoved her playfully.

"I went with Nathan cause he asked me on a date if you must know." She gasped dramatically.

"Well that's good though! You like him, he likes you! You two can be together now!" I shook my head and she mirrored my actions and said, "No you can't be together?"

"The date went great! We flirted a lot, we held hands, we talked the whole time and then when we were just outside the door he completely went M.I.A. and sketched out!"

"The fuck? I swear...that boy has more issues then fifty women combined."

"I know right! Like what the fuck did I do to deserve that?!" She shook her head and shrugged.

"Probably nothing, boys are stupid that way." I just rolled my eyes and slammed back down onto the bed.

"You know what you could do?" I perked up and looked to Lucy. She looked like she had just devised the perfect plan.

"Make him fucking wish he you would actually date the likes of him." I propped myself on my elbows and gave her a doubtful look.

"And how on Earth do you propose I do that?" She ran to a dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a red lacy crop top that came just below my belly button. I gaped at her in shock.

"You expect me to wear that?! I'd look desperate Luce!" She stood there with her hands on her hips and said, "I don't expect you to wear this and neither will he! Catch my drift?"

I squinted at her as I stood up and snatched the clothes out of her hands.

"You'll love me for this!" She shouted from behind me as I dragged myself to Tom's bathroom, successfully flipping her the bird as I shut myself in.

After I changed, fixed my hair, and listened to Lucy banging on the door for me to come out, I finally opened the door to await her final judgment. I squeezed my eyes shut, too embarrassed to see how she would react.

"OH. MY. GOD. You look so hot!!!" I peeked one eye open and looked at myself in the mirror.

"You can't be serious... I look like a prostitute!"

"A classy prostitute!" I scoffed in disgust. Maybe I was being a little ridiculous about the outfit. I really didn't look that bad. The black skinny jeans really hugged my curves, and actually made my ass look phenomenal, and the red, lacy, crop top hit me just right so it didn't show too much skin but just enough. Before I could say anything else Tom came walking in the room and halted as soon as he saw us looking in his mirror.

"Heyyyy..... Ev, you look...how do I say this without getting in trouble with your cousin?"

"She looks fucking sexy!" Lucy announced proudly and Tom nodded quickly. Lucy gaped in fake shock and smacked him on the arm.

"You're not allowed to agree!" They both smiled at one another and I died inside at how adorable they were.

"You guys are making me love sick...stop it already." They were already wrapped in each others arms kissing one another softly so I walked out, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey Ev....what are you wearing?" I was met with Max who was coming out of his room at the same time as me. I fidgeted with my top and grabbed the back of my neck.

"It's trashy isn't it?" He stuck his bottom lip out a bit and shook his head.

"Nah, I like it. I should buy Michelle that same outfit. Mind if I buy it off you?" I giggled in response.

"Knock um dead Ev!" He shouted as he descended the stairs, wafting his cologne towards me. Good lord these boys smelled tasty. Well if Max and Tom approved and they were the crudest in the household then I wanted Siva's opinion next. I knocked on his door and was met with Siva in just his jeans, pulling a shirt over his head currently.

"Hey! Whoa... Whatchu wearin?" I smiled nervously and said, "Lucy did this to me, she wants me to make Nathan jealous." He pulled me inside his room and closed the door. I flopped onto his bed and crossed my legs.

"What happened on the date that you need to make him jealous?" I heavy sighed and began at the beginning all the way to the end.

"That boy, I swear... he confuses me just as much as you!" I nodded and groaned as I collapsed on his bed.

"I just want to give up! But I'm so far gone that I can't even do that anymore!" He scooted his rolling chair over to me and slapped my thighs so I would sit up.

"Well I think Lucy is right, make him want you and show him that you don't need him. That's what Nareesha does to me sometimes when we get too comfortable with one another. She goes off and does her own thing and it drives me insane." I giggled and ruffled his hair.

"Whatever you say gentle giant!" We both stood up and he put his hand up in the air for a high five. This was our new game we had going on. He would put his hand up high for a high five and I would jump as high as I could to try and clap hands but I would always end up swatting his head or the air. As always, I jumped and this time slapped just below his elbow.

"OH MY GOD I'M A BOSS!" I shouted in delight and we both cracked up at our private joke and exited his room. At that moment we heard Jay shouting from downstairs, "Let's go eat! Nando's here we come!" Siva and I raced down the stairs at record time and bolted out the door after the others. Nathan was already in the front seat of the van with ear buds in so he wasn't paying attention to any of us. The whole ride to Nando's Tom and Max made faces behind Nathan and every time he would turn around they would pretend they were talking to each other instead. I couldn't help but laugh with Lucy at how immature they were, but I loved them just the same. We finally arrived after twenty minutes and basically ran out of the van.

"Oi Sykes, quit starin' it's rude!" Tom shouted from behind me and when I turned to look at them Nathan was bright red and giving Tom a death glare while Tom cackled with laughter and winked at me. I just smiled and followed behind Jay, Max and Lucy into Nando's.

Operation make Nathan jealous is a go.

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