7. Aftermath

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Author's Note: Soooooo last chapter was pretty intense, i know haha. So this one is more lighthearted I think. Let me know what you think! P.S. if anyone is confused about Lucy's nickname Luce, (cause i realized its another spelling for Lucy) its pronounced like "loose." Didn't have any other way to spell it cause Luc looks like it would sound like "luck" to me. Just clearifying! ENJOY!  


I stumbled down the stairs; every step seemed to slip from underneath me. I cursed them for being so unstable. I immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed my purse. I didn't want to be in the same place as him. I couldn't be here if he was. Just the thought of him made me want to puke let alone the sight of him. Lucy must have heard me grab my things because she was standing next to the couch looking at me questioningly. 

"And where do you think you're going?" I bounded towards the door but Lucy beat me to it.

 "Ev, what's wrong?" Tom suddenly appeared next to her and grabbed my purse from me. 

"Nothing is wrong! I just need to leave!" Tom tossed my purse on the couch and gave me a stubborn stare. 

"You're not going anywhere after all that drinking we just did. Tell us what's wrong and we can fix it yeah?" Tears started to form and I looked up to fight them off. I didn't need my fucking purse to leave, so I made the decision to walk out the door and slam it behind me.

            Now I'm not much of a runner but I seemed to be moving pretty fast. I usually hated it, the speed, the feeling of not being able to breathe correctly as I ran, but right now, in this moment, it felt amazing. I made it to the end of the street when I felt a strong arm wrap around my stomach and pull me back. 

"What the fuck Everly?! Why are you running?!" At this point I was choking back tears. I wouldn't let them fall. It was not going to happen. 

"Just fucking let me go Tom!" He placed me on my feet and I sat down on a bench just a few feet away from him. There were a few minutes of silence between us, I think he knew I would tell him sooner or later so I decided sooner would be best. 

"I can't be in that house when he is there anymore Tom." I sounded weak. My voice was horse from my screaming at Nathan. Tom heavy sighed and sat down next to me.

            "What happened?" I thought about not telling him for a few minutes because that was his best friend and coworker and I didn't want him to think differently of him, but I figured the truth would come out at some point so I might as well. I told him about everything. From the kiss on the cheek, to our ugly fight in his room and the whole time Tom just waited patiently not reacting. 

"I just can't be around him. I'm sorry. I know he is your friend and all and I don't want you to think badly of him or me for that matter, so I will understand if you choose his side. It's only fair." This last statement finally caused a reaction from him. 

"The hell you on about? I'm not choosing anyone's side. I want you both to be happy because you both are people I consider good friends. Sure I've known Nath longer, but that doesn't make him less of an arse. He shouldn't have screamed at you like that Ev, and yeah you didn't know how to keep your mouth shut but that's just you. You speak your mind and I don't think Nathan knows how to handle it. He's used to girls just dropping to their knees in front of him and then you come along and change that. Nathan is the one who isn't acting like himself and for that I am sorry, honestly." I smiled at how well Tom seemed to know me. 

"Thanks Tom. I'm willing to apologize if he is." He gave me an incredulous look. 

"You are already ready to forgive him after he just attacked you?! You're crazy! I won't let you apologize! Let him sweat a little and earn it." He smiled a goofy grin at me and I returned it easily. That's the thing about Mr. Tom Parker. No matter how upset I am, he always knows how to put a smile on my face. It must be that accent of his and his quirky personality.

 "Okay, okay. I'll play hard to get." He hugged me and I couldn't think of any other guy who could ever deserve my cousin's love more than him. 

"Thank you Thomas." He pet the back of my head and whispered, "You're welcome."

            We made our way back to the flat and luckily most everyone was passed out. The only ones awake were Lucy and Siva who were whispering. The door had barely closed behind us when I was tackled by Luce. 

"Dear God woman, I'm fine!" I laughed as she held me. 

"I was worried about you! You're not allowed to drink like that again if it makes you upset! Okay?" I rolled my eyes at her with a laugh and assured her I was fine. Tom announced that Lucy and I could take his room and that he would just bunk with Siva. I made my way to the couch to get my purse from where Tom left it. Tom took Lucy upstairs to show her which room was his, and I made my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to ensure I didn't have a headache when I woke up from this nightmare of a night. I realized I had no idea where the glasses were so I set my purse down on the counter and started opening every cupboard. I was only on the second one when I heard Siva say, "It's the third one on the right." He was standing in the doorway with a light smile on his face. One that said he felt bad for me. 

"Haha, right. Thanks Seev!" I grabbed a glass, walked over to the faucet and started filling it up. 

"I'm sorry about Nathan." I shut off the water and paused. He had heard us fight. I looked down at my glass embarrassed while Siva continued. 

"No one else heard, I was just making my way up to my bathroom and heard it." I glanced up at him and saw he was still giving me a half smile. 

"He isn't a bad guy once you get to know him. I know that doesn't make it any easier for you when he acts like an arsehole but he is a genuinely good guy, Ev. Just give him a chance." I stared at him for a moment before setting my glass down, walked up to him, and hugged him. 

"Thank you. I'll do my best." He hugged me back and we both smiled at one another. 

"Now that doesn't mean I want you to forgive him just yet. He was pretty nasty to ya." And with that he gave me a wink, flashed his brilliant smile at me and left me there laughing to myself, momentarily dazzled.

I picked up my glass of water and purse and made my way upstairs to find Tom and Lucy talking. He was telling her about what happened, which was nice, because I didn't feel like rehashing it again. 

"I don't understand why he is so mean to her. You guys all love her and then he treats her like garbage." I felt a little twinge of pain at how sad Lucy sounded. I didn't want to make her feel bad in any way for introducing me to them all because of Nathan. Sure he was a complete jerk but I loved the rest of them like they were family. I heard Tom heavy sigh and say, "Nathan just doesn't know what to do with her. He can't figure her out. She is a good girl with a voice and he isn't used to that. I'll kick his ass tomorrow and he'll shape up. I promise." I was about to walk in the bedroom when I heard a door open which startled not only me but Tom and Luce as well.

It was Nathan emerging from his bedroom for the first time since our fight. He looked wore out like he had just been drained of energy. I felt my nerve endings firing up with rage at the sight of him, preparing for him to shoot me one of his death glares but to my surprise, there wasn't one. He looked at me briefly and immediately turned his head to the floor as he walked past me down the stairs. He almost looked ashamed. I kept my back against the wall with a look of disgust as he walked by me. His scent engulfing me and it almost sent me over the edge. As soon as he was out of my sight I walked into the bedroom to see my two best friends giving me looks of pity. 

"What? It's not the first time a guy has been rude to me. This isn't my first rodeo." They both looked at each other and burst into laughter. 

"You're such an American!" I watched them fall backwards in their fits and I couldn't help but laugh as well. I touched my hand to my mouth to make sure I was correct. I was actually laughing, genuinely for the first time since Nathan and my altercation and it felt good. I tossed my head back as Tom's eyes started leaking from his laughter. I heard Nathan coming back up the stairs and halt outside of Tom's room watching us carry on and I hoped he saw me. I hoped he saw me completely and blissfully happy. Because then he would know that no matter what he said to me, no matter how much he belittled me, he would never win.

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