27. I Told You So

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Author's Note: I fucking love this chapter so much. Haha not even gonna lie, i love writing sappy love shit for some reason! haha Enjoy! Votes and Comments accepted!


Nathan's POV

            Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. I loved having her in my arms...holding her, being with her, loving her...but, I know how this is going to end. The love she has for me right now will go away after she finds out what I did. What I almost did. I can't even live with myself. After I kissed her yesterday I looked at myself and saw that man that I was. An asshole. I was going to ruin her life and she didn't even know it. I tried, with all my strength to make her go away, but I couldn't. I need her. I'm so fucking selfish but I need her. I wish she didn't need me. It would make this so much easier.  What have I done? She'll never forgive me...should I continue with this pursuit to break her? Or do I allow myself to fully love her, unconditionally, without judgment or preconceived notions? Do I let myself be free to love her the way she deserves to be loved?

            What the fuck have I done?

            Everly's POV

            Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I loved being in his arms. I loved having him near me, with me always. I never thought I could be this happy in my life. We spent the entire night together. Holding hands, brushing our fingers softly against one another, watching crap television and talking about anything and everything. This was what I always wanted. I never thought I could have this. This moment of pure bliss. That moment where you truly are yourself with someone and even though they have the power to break you, to hurt you, you trust them anyways. The best part of Nathan and I is that we already have seen each other's ugly sides. We know what angers the other, we know what sets each other off, and now we get to learn what makes one another happy.

            I can still see it in Nathan's eyes that he is holding back somewhat and I hope that he lowers his defenses down but at his own pace. The last thing I want to do is force him into anything. I don't want him to feel pressured. I just hope he can feel exactly how I do towards him. Completely and utterly free to love.

            What have I done? I've become this mess of a person who fell in love with the guy she always said she wouldn't end up with! It's funny; how you look back in time and think to yourself...when the fuck did I make that decision? But really, there isn't one set point in time where I remember consciously making that choice. It's kind of like I never had a choice. Like it was fate or something driving us together.

            Today Nathan told me he wanted to take me on a romantic date, one where he doesn't leave me standing alone wondering what the fuck just happened. I was really excited because finally, after knowing him for three whole months, we were finally taking that step. The step past hatred, past friendship, and past the denial of wanting one another. We were finally taking a step towards commitment. I couldn't wait. I was all nerves and anxiety. Lucy was currently fixing my hair so that the wavy brown mess would stay straight for once in its existence. I had on a white halter dress that was very summery looking, with coral wedges.

            "Quit bouncing, you're not helping me here." I smiled nervously at Lucy in the mirror.

            "Sorry, I can't help it."

            "I don't know why you're nervous. He told you he loves you for goodness sakes. The hard part is over!" I looked down at my hands and shyly asked, "When did you know it was the right time with Tom?" Her hands stopped fixing my hair and I slowly looked up into the mirror.

            "Uh....I mean...I've known Tom since I was a kid so...I think you should wait on that one Ev." I nodded.

            "I wasn't planning on it anytime soon, I was just wondering. How does anyone know when it's the right time you know?" She frowned and got back to straightening my hair.

            "Well, when you know, you know. Just don't ever let a guy talk you into anything okay? I mean Nathan wouldn't do that, but you never know." I nodded again and looked into the mirror at myself. Once again Lucy had transformed me into something beautiful. I didn't even see myself in this creation she had made me.

            "Well, you're all done. I think I heard his car pull up so come down stairs when you are ready!" She scurried out of the room, giving me one last glance, before heading down stairs to greet Nathan at the door. I stood up and walked in front of her full length mirror and sighed.

            "You look beautiful sweetie." I turned around quickly to see my Uncle Geoff standing in the doorway.

            "Thanks Uncle Geoff." I shyly smiled and fiddled with my hair.

            "This the boy that was giving you trouble?" I looked up at him in the mirror and nodded with a smirk on my face. He laughed and said, "Told you so," before walking back to his computer room. I giggled to myself and shook my head. Damn elders and their ability to always be right.

            I headed out of the bedroom and heard voices from downstairs. I began descending them and saw the back of him. He was in a suit that fit him perfectly and I could tell his hair was brushed for once. Lucy looked up at me coming downstairs which caused Nathan to turn around as well.

            You know that moment in movies where the guy sees the girl of his dreams for the first time? Whether it be in "27 Dresses" when he sees her walking down the aisle or "Footloose" when Ren sees Arielle in her prom dress? They always have that look in their eyes that says it all. Nathan had that look in his eyes as well. I felt myself hold back tears of joy because I had always wanted a man to look at me like that. Like I was his everything. Like I was the love of his life and here he was, right now, giving me the confirmation I needed. As I reached the bottom, Lucy gave me a cheesy grin and walked off into the kitchen to give us some space. I was the first to speak.

            "You look handsome Nath." I smiled and fumbled with my hands out of nervousness. He continued staring at me and reached for one of my hands, easing my nerves in the process.

            "You look...well, I needed to mentally tell myself to breathe." I chuckled and felt myself blush. His hand reached up to brush my cheek.

            "Love when you do that." I groaned and it was his turn to laugh.

            "Come on you. Get ready for the best date you have ever been on." He pulled my arm through his so we were linked, and he escorted me out the door and to his car.

            "I'm holding you to that. Better not disappoint me!" I said as he opened the door for me and shut it as well. He leaned in the window giving me a chaste kiss on the lips momentarily stunning me.

            "I can't promise I won't disappoint you, but I can promise that this will be a date to remember." I blinked in response, causing a wide grin to spread across his lips, and with that he hopped into the driver's side of the car and drove off towards what I hoped would be the best night of my life.

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