25. Jealousy

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Author's Note: WOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo Buddy..... i blushed writing this. But it had to happen. ENJOY!


We were currently waiting for our waitress to show up while we all scanned our menus. I had only been here a couple of times with Lucy and my Aunt and Uncle, and loved everything about it. I looked across the table at Lucy who was talking with Tom sat to the left of her while Jay sat to the right. Siva and Max were sitting on either side of me which left Nathan at the end of the table by Jay and Max. I felt a leg kick me under the table and looked up slowly to see Lucy guiding me with her eyes over to Nathan who had obviously been caught staring at me.

Take a picture Nathan, it will last longer. You ass munch. I said a few more obscene things to myself about him until our waiter arrived. He was tall, around Siva's height with blonde hair and green eyes. He greeted us and asked us each what he wanted to drink. After we gave our drink orders he walked off and I turned my attention back to the menu.

"What a twat."

"Aye, mate, watch it yeah?" Max eyed Nathan as he said it and Nathan just looked at him flabbergasted.

"What? Did you see that?" Lucy and Tom looked like they were about to die laughing at how defensive Nathan was getting.

"See what?" I asked innocently, I really had no idea what was going on.

"That waiter couldn't keep his eyes off of you." Siva announced with a giant grin on his face. He continued with, "You should get his number." He nudged me with his elbow and I just blushed.

"He was not."

"Everly, do you not know the male species at all?" Jay inquired and I just shrugged.

"With an outfit like that on a pretty girl like you, he was most certainly checking you out. I think you should ask him for his number." My mouth hung open in disbelief. Are you fucking kidding me... I needed to dress like this to get men's attention. Mind blown.

I was about to say, "HELL NO I'm not asking for his number!" but I heard Siva whisper, "Make him jealous." So I said instead, "Alright! Maybe I will. He seems nice and he's super hot. Why not?" That sent Nathan over the edge. He didn't get up or make a scene but everyone could tell his blood was boiling. Even I was afraid for this waiter's safety. Speaking of, here he comes now.

He asked us for our orders, paid a little more attention to me if I'm being honest, smiled, thanked us for our orders and walked off giving me one last look.

"I'll be right back." I scooted out my chair and headed towards the bathroom where I saw the waiter walk off to. I was out of sight of the group so I couldn't exactly fake it without any evidence so I finally found the waiter and approached him.

"Hey!" announcing my arrival he turned around and smiled.

"Hi, can I get you anything?"

"No, not really, um, this is going to be really strange but is there any way I could get your number or like a fake one because I'm trying to make this guy I really like jealous and apparently talking to you is sending him over the edge right now so.......yeah." As I rambled I saw his smile grow bigger.

"Yeah I'll help you out. I have a question for you though." I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Is the curly headed guy with you... um.. well does he veer to the left if you know what I mean?" I felt my eyebrows pull together as I said, "I don't follow you..."

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