21. Let the Wild Rumpus Begin

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Author's Note: Enjoy the light heartedness of this chapter because things are gonna get rocky from here on out haha. There will be some good times and a whole lot of bad times... just throwing out a cautionary flag :D Votes and Comments are accepted.


He left me there, completely frazzled and wondering what the fuck just happened. This kiss couldn't have lasted more than a few minutes because he pulled away. I wanted more than that. I felt myself pout as he shut the door behind him and I laid back down onto the comforter. I ran my hands over my face a few times and tried to figure out what the fuck this meant. I was such a loser, "Don't go breaking my heart Nathan Sykes," GAH so cliché! He promised he wouldn't though, which surprised me a bit, but then again, he was full of surprises. At first I didn't think he could make the promise because he stumbled over his words but he said it. He promised. So I was going to accept it.

I stared at the ceiling and seriously couldn't figure out when this had happened. When had I accepted the fact that I liked him? Maybe it was around the same time he figured it out...tonight? I placed my hand on my heart and felt it fluttering wildly. The last time this happened I was in college letting a guy get the best of me. I wanted to stay guarded but he promised, he swore he wouldn't hurt me. I was about to over think every single detail of the night when Lucy stumbled in.

"Hey! Why did you leave so early?" I pulled the covers over myself and shrugged.

"I don't know." This caused my cousin to frown.

"It was Nathan wasn't it? Don't even try lying about it because I know he is a bastard and treats you like shit." I cracked up laughing at her and sat up, patting the spot next to me. She ran over and jumped on the bed, landing criss crossed. I shook my head at her smiling and said, "Look I'm going to tell you something and you have to promise you won't get mad okay! And try to remember this so I don't have to retell you in the morning..." She slapped my arm lazily and exclaimed, "I'm not THAT drunk!" I just rolled my eyes and continued.

"I think...that maybe...Nathan and I...might like one another?" Her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Don't look at me like that! I can't help it!" As soon as it sunk in she fell backwards on the bed and started going into hysterical laughter.

"Why are you laughing?! This is serious!" She pointed at me, still laying down laughing, and said, "OH MY GOD TOM AND SEEV TOTALLY CALLED IT!"

"They did what?" As I questioned her Tom and Siva walked in, probably wondering why their names were being yelled.

"What the hell is going on in here?...and why is my girlfriend laughing like a hyena?" He walked over to her to calm her down but it was a failed attempt.

"Have you two been talking about me and Nathan behind our backs?!" I accused the both of them. They looked to one another and then both said, "Yeah." I gave them a disgusted look.

"Thanks so much! You couldn't have said it to my face?"

"HELL no! Of course not!" Tom blurted out, currently cradling his drunk girlfriend like she was a child.

"Well tell me what you said! I have a right to know! I thought you two were my friends!" Siva just laughed and said, "It wasn't bad! We just said you two would end up dating is all."

"Well that's one way of putting it!" Lucy shouted out which caused her to go into a giggle fit again.

"What did you really say...Tom?" He looked at my guiltily and said, "We said that Youtwowouldgetmadandenduphavingsexandrealizingyoulovedoneanother." He said it so fast I almost didn't catch it.

"That's repulsive Thomas."

"Oh don't go calling me Thomas! I don't deserve that! Plus it's not like it's happened!" I took a moment too long to reply back so Siva, clearly getting the wrong idea for my apprehension shouted out, "YOU DIDN'T!"

"No I didn't fucking sleep with him! Good lord!" He breathed a sigh of relief before asking, "Well then why did you not answer Tom?" I blushed crimson and pulled the covers over my face to hide their reaction.


"You wha'?" I felt Tom stand up. Lucy was extremely quiet so she must have passed out.

"I kissed him or well he actually kissed me. He admitted to liking me and we kissed." Silence. I pulled the cover down from over my head and peeked out to see their reactions. Siva looked a little disappointed while Tom looked like he was about to explode.

"I KNEW IT! OH MY GOD I TOTALLY CALLED IT! I'M PSYCHIC!" Tom jumped up and down with joy.

"I thought you would be mad at me!"

"What?! No! I couldn't have picked a better girl for Nathan! You're just what he needs right now!" Tom climbed up on the bed and tackled me with a hug.

"Can't...breathe...Tom..." He was suffocating me in his iron like hug.

"I'm so excited! I'm going to go plan the wedding!" He said this in a high pitched girl voice and danced off out of the room leaving me there with Siva who was still looking bummed.

"Ev, are you sure about this?" He sat down on the edge of the bed and his tone of voice made me anxious.

"Why? What's wrong?" He shook his head and placed a hand on the covers above my leg.

"Just be careful with him, he hasn't been acting himself lately."

"But he promised that he wouldn't hurt me." He looked into my eyes and saw how sure I was about this, he finally smiled the smile I love the most.

"Okay then, just keep me updated. If you ever want to talk." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed, "You sound like a woman Seev." He chuckled to himself and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah I know...Nareesha has been telling me the same thing. I just worry a lot, especially about the people most important in my life. I know Nathan, he is a good guy, he'll do the right thing." I nodded and he patted my leg before standing up and walking to the door.

"G'night Ev."

"Night Siva." I offered him another smile which he gladly returned and he shut the door behind him.

5 hours later...

I woke up to the sound of frying pans banging together.

"It's Wanted Wednesday!" I heard from various voices, but Max's was most prominent.

The door to Tom's room opened up and I was being attacked by Max clashing the pans together while Jay recorded mine and Lucy's reactions, as the other boys jumped on the bed screaming "It's Wanted Wednesday!" I clutched the covers for dear life and prayed this was an awful dream.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM OR SO HELP ME GOD TOM I WILL NEVER MAKE OUT WITH YOU AGAIN!" Max ceased his clanging and everyone looked to Tom. He looked terrified and then he said, "Well that's a lie and a risk I'm willing to take!" And then the banging continued while I just died of laughter. I couldn't believe this was my life now. A bunch of idiot boys from the U.K. who kept a hold on my heart. I looked over to Nathan who was light-heartedly laughing at the wild display going on and I hoped that he would stick to his promise, because I had never before met someone whose very presence sent fireworks off in my mind and soul.

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