26. Man in the Mirror

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Authors Note: So sorry this is a short one but it gets to the point! Next chapter will be great i swear! Goodnight guys!!!! ENJOY!


"I fucking love you too."

I backed away and put my hand on my lips, still feeling the tingle of where his had just been.

"What?" I all but stuttered out. He looked completely flustered and shook his head.

"I didn't mean that." He backed away from me and must have caught a glance of himself in the mirror and took a look. He stared into his reflection and I saw he was still heavy breathing.

"Nathan?" I walked towards him and he broke eye contact with himself and put his hands up.

"Please don't come any closer... I can't even..." I rushed up to him and put his face between both of my hands.

"Did you mean that?" He wouldn't look at me, he looked everywhere but me. I looked into his eyes and waited for him to answer me but he wouldn't.

"Nathan...please. Just tell me you meant it." His eyes looked pained as I begged him. My heart was pounding and I mentally begged him to just admit it. I would give anything for him to love me. His eyes remained focused away from me so I lightly smacked him. His eyes grew wide and turned to me.

"Tell me the truth Nathan. Right now. Do you love me or not?"

"Why do you care?! You fucking hate me! Why does it matter?!" He yelled at me causing me to drop my hands from his face.

"Maybe because I fucking lied! Maybe for some fucking psycho reason, I fucking love you too! But why would I do that when all you do is YELL AT ME!" If his eyes got any wider I felt like they might fall out.

"You wha'?"

"That's right. I fucking said it. So what?"

"No. Say it again."

"No you say it again."

"I asked you first!"

"Technically I asked you first Nathan, you were just being stupid and not..."

"JUST FUCKING SAY IT WOMAN good fucking Lord!"

"Fine! I'll be the man here and say it! I am fucking in love with you Nathan Sykes." There was anger in his eyes but he smirked anyways.

"I'll let that little "be the man" comment slide but only because I got to hear you say that last bit." I flushed and nervously shifted from side to side.

"Well?" He stepped closer to me and stole my breath from me.

"I'm fucking in love with you too Everly Campbell." He brushed my cheek causing me to blush further and I looked down.

"Good." I said with a small trace of a smile on my lips. He lifted my chin and pulled me to him. Our lips connected somewhere in the middle and all of my thoughts were lost. Nathan finally admitted, basically had to fight it out of him, that he loved me...I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life. The kiss lasted only a few minutes because it was meant to be sweet, not passionate.

"So about that date you have..."

"What date?" Nathan furrowed his eyebrows at me and asked, "That waiter? You have a date with him..."

"Oh yeah! Um...how mad at me will you be if I say he actually isn't interested in me and there is no date planned at all?" I squinted and prepared for an attack but felt him lift me over his shoulders and then toss me on Tom's bed instead.

"Well how mad at me will you be if I say I lied as well and in fact am not going on a date either?" I crossed my arms as he crawled on top of me and pretended to be pissed.

"Oh damn...I really thought you two hit it off." He rolled his eyes while smirking and it was just about the sexiest thing I've ever seen him do.

"You're funny." He mumbled sarcastically and kissed my forehead. He rolled to my right side, propped his head on his hand and used the other hand to play with my hair.

"So why did you lie about the waiter then? If it was to make me jealous...it fucking worked."

"Oh I know it did. That's why you went over to those girls. I'm not stupid!" We joked back and forth about how immature we are for a couple minutes and then I had to break the news.

"That waiter... you know he was interested in someone..." Nathan looked at me confused and his eyes grew wide.

"Lucy?! Tom would kill him."

"No...it was actually....Jay!" His eyes got bigger again and I died laughing as he covered his mouth in horror.

"Oh my God you've got to be joking! That's hilarious!" We both cracked up laughing and ended this with a long kiss. He pulled me so I was on my side as well and we were flush against one another. His hand stroked down my arm, raising goosebumps in its trail.

"I really do love you Everly." I smiled against his lips and replied, "I love you too Nathan."

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