14: want you back.

Start from the beginning

"Well I'm craving anything chocolate. Other than that, I've been fine." I shrugged, walking outside.

It had been the first time in two weeks I had really left my house. It felt almost unnatural to leave it. I felt.... strange.

"Do you know what you're having yet?" Diana asked while opening the door to the SUV before us.

"Not yet. I don't really have a feel for what this baby is." I admitted and got inside, thanking her with a smile.

"I think it's a girl." Alison smirked and got in behind me. Celeste and Diana followed in suite while Georgia got into the driver's seat.

"Me too." Diana nodded.

"I think you have a boy on your hands." Georgia mused and began to drive away from my place of comfort.

"Well whatever it may be. It will be the most perfectly, beautiful baby ever. Because I'm hot." I smirked and laid my hands in my lap.

We talked a little while longer before pulling in at a store and walking inside. The girls were a little ahead of me while I was looking through a rack of blankets and swaddles. I turned to move to the other side when I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." The person said.

"Watch it!" I hissed over them. I turned on my heel and gawked as I looked at them.

"Bryan?!" I practically shrieked.

"Hey..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Why are you... in a baby store?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Caroline is expecting. I don't know what to get her. But here I am." He chuckled a little.

I sucked in a breath and forced a smile. Caroline was Bryan's little snobby sister. She treated everyone horrible, including Bryan and expected the world handed to her. We didn't get along.

"Well tell her I said she's a fucking idiot." I scoffed.

"Will do." He nodded and fought a smile on his lips.

"Where's your macho man?" Bryan wondered while looking down at me.

"He's at work. Too busy. You know." I waved him off and began frantically looking through the blankets.

"Kat... I can tell you're lying." He said gently.

I held onto a while blanket with black outlining and bit my lip hard, closing my eyes. I shook my head and breathed out.

"Don't, Bryan. Don't." Was all I said.

"Calm down. Just breathe." Bryan put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it gently.

"I said don't!" I shrugged him away and looked up at him.

"Kat! Come and look at these–" Celeste was smiling as she came over to me, stopping dead in her tracks as she looked at my ex and I.

"Bryan." She snapped.

"Don't start." I glared at her.

"I'm just going to go. Sorry I interrupted your shopping, Kat." Bryan mumbled before practically racing away.

"What were you doing." Celeste hissed at me.

"Looking through blankets when Bryan and I bumped into each other. Lay off." I pushed past her and started walking.

"So now you're going to talk to your ex husband, who cheated on you?" She wondered aloud.

"No! I'm not! I'm not talking to anybody! I was doing fine at my house alone. Growing my baby. And watching Dynasty! I'm just trying to get over that Canadian asshole who got me pregnant and ripped out my heart! I was happy at home! You made me come out today, Celeste!" I bellowed at her and flipped my hair out of my face.

"I just thought you would like getting out of the house..." She looked down as she trailed off.

"Let's just get this shopping over so I can go home and sleep." I scoffed and walked over to see the Hart sisters.

Needless to say I left the store with a shit ton of baby clothes and a lot of essentials. Georgia, and Alison made sure of that.

I tried to be in a good mood. I really did. But I was heavily annoyed. I'm sure the Hart sisters could feel the tension between my little sister and I.

After helping me get everything inside and into the nursery room I was in the process of hand panting, Georgia made sure I had food before she and her sisters left. Celeste sat on my couch, frowning as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I mumbled as I pulled a baggy tee shirt of Bret's over my stomach.

"Trying to care and make sure you're okay."

"Celeste..." I sighed.

"I'm worried, okay!" She huffed.

"And I appreciate it. But I'm strong. I just... I hate that Bret isn't here." I frowned and ran my fingers over my growing stomach.

"I'm sorry. I really am." My sister frowned heavily.

"I love him." I admitted.

Celeste came over and hugged me tightly. I couldn't help the tears falling down my cheeks. I sobbed into her shoulder for what seemed like hours. She announced she would take my guest bedroom and stay with me tonight.

I made my way into my bedroom and laid on my bed. I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep at all. I stared at the ceiling and bit my lip.

Sitting up, I grabbed my phone off its hookup and began dialing his number.

Lifting it to my ear, I felt my stomach doing flips with each ring. I sat there listening to the rings not knowing what I would say to him if he did answer. And he didn't answer. Some part of me was happy for that.

"This is Bret. You know what to do." His answering machine message said before beeping loudly in my ear.

I took a deep breath and sniffled.

"I don't know why I really called. I guess I wanted to hear your voice. It's uh.. it's been three weeks. I know you're probably not home. I-I wish I could say I hated you. I wish I could be mad at you. I really do. I miss you. Okay? No matter how long you've been gone, I want you back. Bret. I fucking miss you. This isn't how our story is supposed to end! I love you. So fucking much–" I tried to catch my breath, but I only sobbed.

"I need you here. I need you here with me. God, you're so stupid sometimes. You really are. But I need you. Our baby needs you! I can't... I can't do this alone..." I whispered the last part, sniffling.

"So... this is all your choice now, Bret. If you really love me... and if you really want to do this with me. Be a father. You're going to grow some balls and talk to me. It's all your choice now." I breathed in heavily.

"So... make the right one." I concluded and hung up my phone.

Hugging a pillow close to me, I fought to close my eyes as I felt a hurricane of emotions erupting inside me. A wave of worry and hope both fighting to the death in my head.

He would make the right choice. Wouldn't he?


Whew Kat finally blew her top.
I don't blame her.

Is Bret gonna be an annoying little fucker and make the right choice? Eh. Probably not.

I'm tryna update all these stories. Since I'm flooded out and stuck at my house. Oof.

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