I looked at Elle and she had an evil smirk displayed on her face. I grabbed the phone from her, putting the call on speaker.

"Hey Shawn"

"Hi" He said, in a way that let me know that he was smiling.

We were both silent for a little until Shawn broke the silence. "So. Is there a reason for calling?"

"Oh. I'm incredibly sorry. You must be so busy. I accidentally hit your number"

"Don't lie" I hear Elle whisper next to me. I jokingly punched her arm.

"It's no problem. I was actually about to call you. Have you been on the internet recently?"

"No. I haven't but I was well informed by my best friend and she showed me the articles"

"Cool. Um. I'm sorry about that. The paparazzi. You never really know when they're there."

"It's alright. What can you do?"

"Yeah. Well, I have to go. Getting on the bus for the next destination. When you're near the arena, call me and I'll tell my security guard, Jake, to let you in backstage."

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow"

"Bye" He said and I hung up the call.

"See. It wasn't that bad was it?" Elle spoke up.

The Next Day ...

As I drove closer and closer to the venue of Shawn's concert, I could see the big lettering of the arena's name displayed on top of the huge building. I parked in the closest spot I could manage to get to the back of the building and called Shawn.

After one ring, Shawn picked up. "Hello hellloooo" I said.

"Hi" He chuckled. "Someone sounds excited"

"Well, of course I am. I'm going to hear my favorite artist sing tonight!"

"Are you here by any chance?"


"I'll go tell Jake to get you"

"Oh okay. Does h-" Before I could finish my sentence, Shawn hang up the phone.

I grabbed my black purse and got out of the car, straightening my clothes, high-waisted black jeans and a cotton white shirt under a long, light brown cardigan. My dark black hair was curled into waves.

I looked at the side view mirror, making sure that the In-N-Out I had for lunch wasn't stuck in my teeth. As I was doing this, I hear the words "Are you Ms. Sinclair?"

I stood up straight and looked up. "Oh hi" I put my hand out and he shook it. "Call me Alana. You must be Jake"

"Yes. Please follow me" I followed him through the back door and went through a hallway which led to Shawn's dressing room.

"Make yourself comfortable. Shawn should be here in a little"

"Thank you" I said as he walked away.

I looked around the room. It was small and there were no windows. It was like a big closet. On the left wall, there was a vanity type desk that had a big mirror with lights and a small chair in front of it. At the middle wall, there was a dark brown leather sofa and glass coffee table. And at the far right, there was a large television which was turned off at the moment.

I decided to sit on the couch, looking around the room for a couple of minutes until I saw the door open.

A man who wasn't Shawn walked in. "Hi. You must be Alana, I'm Andrew Gertler" He walked up to me, putting out his hand, and I stood up and shook it.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you"

"You too" He said and walked next to me on the couch, motioning me to sit down as he sat down as well.

"So. You met Shawn at the last concert?"

"Yes. I did" I said, nodding.

"Do you live here?"

"In California? Yes, I've lived here my whole life"

"Interesting. What's your family life like?"

"I have two parents who've been married since high school and an older sister and brother"

He nodded his head and I spoke up. "I'm sorry, Mr. Gertler. Are you interrogating me?"

"Oh. I'm sorry, Ms. Sinclair. It's just that Shawn has never really been. What's the word? Infatuated? With a girl before and fans go crazy over him and I just want to make sure that you aren't one of those people"

"That's understandable. Go ahead. Ask all the questions you want. And did you say infatuated?"

He chuckled a bit."I'd assume he's infatuated. He won't stop talking about you. Are you sure you want me to continue with the questions?"

"Yeah of course"

"Alright cool. Here we go then"

Andrew and I talked about my life and aspirations for the next thirty minutes. Afterwards, he left the room, informing me that Shawn should be coming in around five minutes.

Shawn's POV

Soundcheck went smoothly and was a success. I was walking towards my dressing room when I saw Andrew walk out.

"Hey, have you met Alana?" I asked walking up to him.

"Yes I have. And I want to apologize"

"For what?"

"For underestimating your gut feeling"

"Still a little confused here, Gerty"

"Last night. I warned you about spending time with random girls you just met and went on a rant about how you should have introduced me before associating yourself with her. Does any of this ring a bell?"

"Oh right! I remember"

"As I was saying, I didn't listen. Alana. She's exceptional"

"Oh no" I groaned. "Did you interrogate her?"

"Yes" He stuck up his pointer finger. "But. She confronted me about the interrogation and allowed me to continue interrogating her"

I chuckled. Typical Alana.

"The thing that she said that stuck out to me the most was her view on having relationships, friendly or romantic, with famous people"

"What'd she say?"

"She told me, 'I've never known anyone famous, but I don't think their status should matter. It's all about the connection between the two people. If that person is being cruel or self-centered, then I wouldn't want to associate myself with them. If the person is willing to experience this journey we call life, then I'm willing to devote my time for them' Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. Did you really quote that word for word?"

"Of course not, that would be silly" He pushed up his glasses a little. "So. Are you going to confess your love to her anytime soon? Because, she's perfect and you'd better not mess anything up"

"What? Who said anything about confessing their love?"

"I know how crazy you are about her"

"When did I ever say that?"

"Don't lie to yourself, Shawn. You've been talking about her nonstop since two nights ago"

"But I only just met her. Is it possible to be in love already?"

"I'm not saying that you're in love with her. I'm saying that you should get to know her. You don't have to get married right now"

"Hmm. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am crushing on her"

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