chapter thirty two

Start from the beginning

" How are you feeling? "

" A little bit better, im just tired thats all "

Dr.Thomas smiled then looked at me.

" Is it ok if i continue with him in the room ? "

Keleii nodded and said " Yeah that's my boyfriend ".

He nodded his head and looked at his clipboard.

" Well everything looks good, no major injuries. The bruises will disappear in no time. Just rub the Vitamin K cream on them and put ice on to make it heal faster, and also- "

He looked up at the both of us with a smile.

" Congratulations you're gonna be parents "

I just sat there not knowing what to do.



Im gonna be a mommy. Wow, im so shocked and excited at the same time. But i kind of had a feeling something was going on when i didn't get my period and i had to keep throwing up for the pass week. I looked over at Tay. He just sat there staring off into space.

" Well he sure is shocked "

Dr.Thomas said then we both laughed. Tay was still sitting there not doing nothing.

" Well, ill let yall to it. You're free to go but the police would like to ask you some more questions about the attack "

I nodded my head. " Thanks doctor ", i responded.

He left out and i turned to Tay. I waved my hand in his face but he still didn't move. I shook my head.

" Baby are you ok ? ", i asked with a smile. 

" Im gonna be a dad ", he said lowly.

" Yeah you're gonna be a dad ", i responded excitedly. Then we laughed.

He came over and rubbed my stomach. " Hey there little one ", he said lowly. I looked at him with a smile.

" You think we're gonna have a boy or a girl ", i asked him.

" We're having a boy "

" What if the baby's a girl ? "

" I know its not gonna be a girl cause we're having a boy "

I shook my head. I hope its a girl. But it wouldn't matter to me either way. There was a knock at the door and two officers came in. Tay immediately got up, said bye, and then left out.

" Well hey ms.Waters, im officer Daniel and that's officer Kathy, and we're just gonna ask you a few questions is that ok? "

" Yeah thats fine "

" Ok, well can you remember anything the night of the kidnapping? "

" Well..i remember going out to check the mail and as soon as i looked inside my mailbox, i felt something hit my head and that was that ", i explained.

Officer Daniel nodded while Kathy wrote notes.

" And the person who hit and kidnapped you was Deon Green am I correct ? "

" Yes "

" Ok now, the place that you were held hostage in, can you remember anything? "

" I was locked up in these chains and i was locked in this room with no light whats so ever but he would come in the room some times  "

Kathy continued writing down notes.

" Ok so did Raina Vegas ever come inside the room at all ? "

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