Chapter 29

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Daisy and Hayden must've finally realized we weren't behind them and came back. "This is no time to be cuddling you two!" Daisy crossed her arms. Phoenix rolled his eyes and sat up straight. "Celeste and I are going to get everyone out. You two need to get out while you still can. "

Daisy scoffed then started to chuckled. "Pretty boy thinks he can boss me around. That's cute. " she knelt down in front of him. "Count me in. "

Hayden shook his head. "It's impossible. They have guards at every corner and those... Those things everywhere. "

"Hayden, you don't have to stay. " I said softly then stood up.
Hayden looked at me and smiled softly. He suddenly threw his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I chuckled and hugged back, smiling wide. "It's so good to see you... " he whispered.

"I missed you, too. Like crazy. " we slowly pulled back from the hug. Phoenix suddenly stood straight up, gritting his teeth through the pain and walked between us. "Daisy, you've been here the longest, so where do they hold all the kids captive?"

"Well, it's not that simple. They bring all the new arrivals in the dungeon, then they separate them out by age."

Phoenix sighed then rubbed around his lips again with his index and thumb, placing his other hand on his hip. "Okay, do you know where they separate them? What category?"

"By age. " Hayden answered. "Where? I don't know. "

"Me neither. They brought me to another section of the dungeon, but other than that, I don't know. "

"Jade would know. " Hayden mumbled.

"Jade isn't going to help us. " I shook my head. "But, I think I know how to find everyone. "

The three turned and looked at me. "How?" Hayden asked.

"I can try to either have a vision to where they are, or look through Jade's memories. "

"You can do that?" Daisy asked with amazement in her voice.

"Yeah. Jade's mind is connected to mine somehow. " I shrugged. "Earlier we talked through out minds. I could see her. I assume she could see me, too. "

"Well, what are you waiting for? Close your eyes and use your tele-thingy. " Daisy said.

"Telepathy?" Phoenix gave her the side eye.

"Whatever. " she growled.

I rolled my eyes with a small smile the closed them and began to concentrate.

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