Chapter 18

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The air burned my lungs everytime I inhaled. The steam was so thick it was hard to see five feet in front of us. "Phoenix, are you sure this is the right way? I can't see a thing!" I called out.

"Yes, I'm sure. " though his tone contradicted his words.

I sighed and lifted the collar of my shirt over my mouth and nose; to try and stop the burning sensation in my lungs. Sadly there wasn't anything for my eyes, for they started to burn as well. "Phoenix what was that noise from earlier?" I muffled under my shirt.

"Not sure. Let's not stick around to find out. " his voice was distance, which worried me.

"Phoenix please slow down! I can't see!" I had to squint my eyes to stop the burning. The pain reminded me of a time I was in an indoor pool, and the chlorine was so bad, me and my friends had to leave. I can't just leave this, for the toxins are everywhere! Even my sweat dripping down my skin started to burn.  I saw no sign of Phoenix and started to panic. "Phoenix?" I called out. No response.

I stumbled around trying to find my way around. I kept calling to Phoenix, but I never heard a response. Has he even noticed that I'm lost? Suddenly, I tripped and fell, scrapping my shoulder. I cried out in pain then heaved as I stood up. Holding my shoulder, feeling the blood drip down my arm. The toxins in the green fog started to burn my wound. I cried out again in pain. Normally tears would form in my eyes, but because of the steam and fog, my eyes were dry. I kept coughing unable to breathing. I needed to look around. Just need to open my eyes for a few seconds to see.

I braced myself and shot open my eyes long enough to see the log I tripped over. To see the empty valley of death. The fog was so thick I couldn't see past the log. I shut my eyes again to let the stinging ease. My arm was throbbing and I needed to get out of this. I stood up and opened my eyes again to see. That's when I noticed, the log just a second ago, was gone.

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