Chapter 24

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"Jade?" I asked as the image became clear. It was definitely Jade and she looked exactly the same.

"That's my name. " she smiled. I couldn't see where she was or what she was doing. Jade just stared at me, but something was off. I remember what Daisy said to me, so I kept my guard up. "Jade, " I began. "Where are you? Where's Hayden?"

"Don't worry. He's safe. I'm fine. " she smiled, which made me feel even more uneasy.

"Jade don't lie to me. Tell me where you are!" I insisted, hearing the desperation in my voice. "We can take you home. "

Jade's smile turned into a snarl. "No. We. Are. Home. "

My eyes widened then I shook my head. "Jade, why?" I said softly. A lump formed in the back of my throat with the feeling like I was about to cry.

"Because this is our home now. Your home, " she put quotations at the word home with her fingers. "Is a place where we get food thrown at us for being ugly. The place where I feel unloved and unwanted. The place where I go home and my mom's never sober and my father calls me his little girl too friendly. No, Celeste, that is not my home! My home is here. They see things in me that no one else does. They believe in me, and they think that the scars on my wrist and thighs are beautiful and shows that I'm strong!" her voice became more and more distraught as she spoke. Her voice raised until she was shouting. The Jade I knew was gone.

A tear rolled down her cheek, then another, and another until she was sobbing. "I was broken then they put me back together. Here I am love and valued. I'm important. "

"Jade they're killing people! Torturing kids!"

Jade stopped her tears and wiped them away then glared down at me. "It's all for the greater good. They need to feel the pain that I felt! They need to be strong enough to fight!"

"Fight for what!?"

"You'll never get to Hayden. " her face started to fade away.

"No! Jade please!" I screamed, but soon she was gone. I could feel my consciousness start to come back. "No!" I screamed in frustration and tried to clear my mind again, but it was too late. I opened my eyes and standing above me are Phoenix and Daisy. I was on the ground and then back of my head was throbbing. I must've fell without realizing.

"You were right... " My voice cracked. "Jade is one of them. "

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