Chapter 12

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The moon was full which shed some light into this dark forest. I stayed close to Phoenix's side listening the the breeze blow the leaves in the trees. The leaves and branches crack beneath our feet as we wandered around through the darkness. "How can you know where we're going?" I whispered.

"Darkness is not a disadvantage to me. " he shrugged.

"So what can you see in the dark or something? Like night vision?"

Phoenix stayed quiet and I could just feel home smirking. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. " he had a certain charm to his voice.

I rolled my eyes and accidentally tripped over a rock or something and fell. "You alright?"

"Yep. I'm good. " I quickly stood up and brushed off my arms and legs. My cheeks turned warm. "Good. We still have miles to go. " he continued to walk.

"Can't I have a light or something?"

"What you mean like a torch?" he asked.

"Yes, please. " I begged. Phoenix bent down and picked up a branch. I'm not sure if it was the moonlight, or something else, but his skin had a shimmery glow to it. He waved his hand over to branch and a fire started. No spark, no oil, just out of thin air. I stood there gawking has the flames lit up his face. "Yes love, there's more to me than meets the eyes. " he held the torch out for me to grab. I took it from his hand then swallowed hard. The bright red flames made the fire in his eyes shine brighter than the stars. Sorrow. I saw sorrow in his eyes before he turned and walked away.

As we continued to walk, I saw a blue glowing light in the distance. "Phoenix, what's that?" I pointed in the direction of the floating blue light. "Not sure. " he replied. "We should keep moving. "

"Wait, I think... It's alive. " I slowly made my way to the blue light.

"Celeste, wait!" he whispered then gently grabbed my arm. "You don't know what's out there.. "

"There's only one way to find out. " I escaped his grin then walked to the light. As I grew closer, the light didn't stay in one place. It flew around and hovered in one stop. The light had wings and a tiny tale. On its head looked like the tip of a mushroom. The being looked up with its big wide black eyes and gasped, hiding in the tall grass. "No no, I promise I won't hurt you. " I said softly and knelt down on the ground. "I'm friendly I promise. "

The small being peaked up from the grass and raised his head. I smiled softly and held out my hand. "Don't be afraid. "

The tiny creature hovered over to my hand and sniffed it. Then then flew up to my face to take a closer look. I smiled softly, though in the back if my mind I was afraid the creature would bite my nose. The adorable little creature cuffed it's hands. A blue light started to glow brightly. The being blew and little powered blue dust flew on my face. I closed my eyes and giggled, because it tickled. When I opened my eyes, the being was gone.

"Where did it go?" I turned to Phoenix and asked. He stood there gawking and didn't say a word. "What?" I asked.

"That was a Nimp. Normally they would never approach a human or any being, kept alone give it their blessing. "

"Blessing?" I stood up straight.

"Nimbs are the fairies of the forest. They make sure that the forest has life. But, when a threat approaches they will bring the forest to life to attack. They communicate to the Noots. "

"Was it a Forest Fairy that made the Noot catch my foot?"

"Perhaps, but I think it was made for another. "

"Okay but, what about the blessing? What's that?"

Phoenix started to walk again. I followed closely behind him.

"Forest Fairies are both prideful and prejudice. They take their jobs very seriously and will kill, if one harms the forest. "


"That one didn't fight, it fled. It was curious. "

"How was it curious if it hid?"

"Because, " Phoenix exclaimed. "It normally would've attacked. But since you're human, it didn't know if you were friend or foe. You were kind and you were gentle. That's what made it know you were no harm to the forest. "

I nodded, taking in all the information. "Still not answering the question I asked. "

"Hold on, " He chuckled. "I'm getting to it. Because they think that you're beneficial, they blessed you the gift of the forest. According to legend, anyone who receives this gift can call upon nature to fight along side with you. "

"So I'll have like a forest army? Cool!"

"Use it wisely... " he warned.

I nodded then stumbled again because it was so dark. "Careful love. " he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "So, tell me about you. "

"What about me?" his voice slightly went cold.

"Family? Childhood? You obviously have powers so why haven't you been taken?"

"I'll talk about me, when I'm ready. " he picked up his pace. After that, I remained silent.

We kept walking until we came across three large stones on this hill, just outside the forest. The large three stones each had a strange symbol. One looked like a bear, another an eagle, and lastly a fox. "What are these?"

"Not sure. " Phoenix mumbled then ran his fingertips along one of the stones. "These symbols mean something.. "

"How, they're just animals?" I shrugged.

"Because they wouldn't be there if they weren't important. " he held the torch up to get a better look.

I sat down and leaned my head back. "Phoenix, can we rest here for the night?"

Phoenix turned and looked at me. His eyes reflected the fire which made him look almost angry, but the softness in his eyes contradicted it. He rubbed around his lips again then sighed softly. "Alright, love. But we leave at dawn. "

I sighed in relief and immediately closed my eyes. "Go to sleep, I'll stay up and study this. " Phoenix said softly.

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