Chapter 26

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A shot of pain hit my legs as soon at my feet touched the ground, but I ignored the pain and pulled out my sword. Jade smirked mischievously and said, "Right on time. " I heard another thump behind me and I turned around to find Phoenix. I smiled then turned back to Jade. "You're screwed now. "

Jade didn't seem phased and tilted her head. "Am I?" she looked over at Phoenix. "Thank you for bringing them."

I turned to Phoenix wide-eyed. "Phoenix?" I asked softly.

His face was hung low hiding his expression, but by the tone of his voice I knew it was shameful. "I'm sorry love, it was the only way to get my brother back... "

Tears filled my eyes and I held the blade to his chest. "So all of it was a lie!?" I screamed. "Sam died for nothing!"

Phoenix shot his head up then narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't blame his death on me!" he said in a low warning tone.

"Oh, I do. If it weren't for you, we never would've gone into that small city and Sam would still be alive!" I screamed and my voice cracked.

"Throw Phoenix in the dungeon. " The snake like man hissed and guards lunged towards towards us.

"Wait! You promise me my brother!" Phoenix flung a guard off of him.

The bald man turned and I finally saw his face. His skin was molded with scales, as if someone burnt snake scales onto his skin. It only covered most of his face, but not all of it. The left eye looked irritated and red, which made sense since it was on the side with the dysfunctional scales. Slowly a wide eerie grin shown on his face which sent chills down my spine. He waved his hand and smoke appeared from the wall, showing us an image of boy around Sam's age lying down. His bright red hair was spiked and his clothes were tattered. The door opens in the image and two guards come up and grab the boy from the ground. The boy struggles to break free of their grasps, but one guard grabbed his throat, lifting him in the air. Phoenix gasped and struggled, trying to fight off the guards. Thrashing his body every way, but was pushed down on the ground and forced the watch. The other guard in the image emerges a flame from the palm of his hand and lights the poor boy on fire. "No!" Phoenix screamed and thrashed his body more. The image disappeared. The snake man knelt down to Phoenix and lifted his face to look at his scaled faced. "I promised you'd see your brother again. And you did. Was it worth it?" he grabbed his face and Phoenix groaned, forcing him to look at me. "You think I didn't notice the way you looked at her? Was it worth it? To betray your only chance at happiness?"

Phoenix grunted and thrashed around more, but he slapped him hard across the face. Phoenix lifted his face to look at the hideous man. His eyes glowing red reminding me of the flames of a burning city. If looks could kill, this man would be long dead. "Don't hurt her... " he said in a low growl.

The man roared a forceful laugh, then stood up and kicked him in the face. I gasped and didn't realize I had been silently crying until now. Jade grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. My neck exposed.

"Who are you?" I hear Daisy ask coldly. The man's expression was an over-exaggerated shock and hurt. "You don't know who I am? Why I'm no other than Apophis. " he hissed then pulled out a dagger. I jerked my body, but Jade tightened her grip on my hair, pulling my head back farther. I yelped and felt her foot kick the back of my knee, causing me to fall to my knees. Apophis slowly walked towards me, taunting me. "Now Phoenix, I can save your brother. For a price. " I felt the cold dagger touch my throat. I whimpered and quivered in fear. "Just say the word. "

Phoenix stared me down then looked at Apophis. "My brother would rather die, then know that I was responsible for taking another life. Let. Her. Go!"

"Oh Phoenix. Dear, poor, Phoenix... When are you ever going to learn?"

I cried out, feeling a sting against my neck from the dagger. "I'm killing her anyways. "

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