Chapter 23

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We heaved and coughed, trying to take in fresh hair. The stench still followed us, since we were covered in sewer water. Phoenix was the first to walk to the door that was our way out. "Coast looks clear. Keep your eyes peeled. " he slowed opened the door. Daisy and I followed closely behind him. "Okay Daisy lead the way. " Phoenix said.

"Why me?" she crossed her arms.

"Because you've been here before...?" Phoenix rolled his eyes then raise his brow.

"Oh... Well, fine then. " she soaked out. Phoenix and I shared a glance at eachother then slightly shrugged and followed her closely.

"So, what exactly is the plan?" I whispered.

"Get your friends and get out of here. " Daisy shrugged.

"No, we need a full proof plan. " Phoenix said. "Daisy, does this place have ventilation?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so. Why?"

"Does it lead to where they have the kids held hostage?"

"No, sadly. "

I stopped and looked around at the stone walls. "They're in the dungeons... Right?"

"Yeah. How'd you know that?" Daisy stopped.

"I... I saw them. Hayden and Jade. They were chained up.. "

"That was the first day.. How did you-"

"Visions. " Phoenix interrupted. "You have visions.. "

I looked over at him then at Daisy. "No, I have weird dreams. "

"Do they come true?"

"Sometimes... I just thought-"

"It doesn't matter what you think. That's why they're after you. You have a gift like your friends. Like Daisy and my brother. You have a power. "

I shook my head and swallowed hard. Looking around and leaning against the wall, taking it all in. Phoenix walked over to me and helped me stand up straight to look him in the eyes. "Stay with me okay? Celeste, this is important so listen to every word I say. "

I nodded and focused on his brown eyes that revealed that fire he has. The fire that has seen horrors and loss. I wonder what all he has seen. What wars he has fought. Who has he lost that was dear to him?

"Once they discover your true potential, they will try and make you think that their was is the right way. Killing and torturing people is for the greater good. Don't give it. Remember to follow your heart. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Yes. "

Phoenix slowly pulled away after he made sure I was steady enough to stand. "I want you to try something for me, love. "

"What is it?"

"Considerate and try to have a vision. See how to save your friends. "

I nodded and closed my eyes, trying my hardest to concentrate. Why do I see them when I'm asleep? What's the difference? The only difference I could think of was that my mind is clear. I don't think of anything. I concentrated on clearing my mind and suddenly, I could see an image starting to for. What started off as a blur, soon started to turn clear. A familiar face appeared and I'd recognize that shade of purple anywhere.

"Hello, Celeste. "

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