Chapter 19

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Soon the toxins burned my lungs so bad, I couldn't even call out to Phoenix. I stumbled around more going even slower than before; in order not to trip over another.. Whatever that was. It wasn't long before I heard a low growl. I turned sharply, opening my eyes slightly to see what it was, but all I could see was green fog. I coughed more and continued to walk.

 I didn't feel like I was alone. I knew I wasn't alone. As I stumbled around, I could feel slight vibrations under my feet. Like foot steps. I started to run which soon turned into a sprint as I heard the footsteps grow louder and louder. My lungs burned even more and I started to hyperventilate. I heard a loud piercing roar so loud, my ears started to ring.  I grew light headed and I lost feeling in my legs, then collapse. A figure started to emerge from the fog. A creature with two heads with four beady eyes on each head. Razor sharp teeth stuck out of their mouths along with slobber dripping from their lips. The creature hissed and stood on its hind legs, making it look fifty feet tall.

This was it. I'll never see my friends again. By the time this creature will get to me, I'll be passed out. I closed my eyes to embrace it. I'll see Sam again.

Suddenly I heard the creature gurgle and growl. I opened my eyes and seen someone standing over me. They drew a long big sword and swung at the beast. It snapped at the figure and lunged it's heads forwards. The person swung it's sword, slicing through one of their necks, making the head fall completely off.

The other head cried out with despair and ran away back into the foggy abyss.

Then the person in the long back robe held out their hand, which I gladly took.

The rest was a blur, but I do know that we made it out of Death Valley alive. My eyes were closed the whole time and all I could think was if I was going to be blind like this forever.

 The air was clear once again and the burning sensation in my lungs were at ease.

"Stay still. " a voice of a woman said. I felt her open my eyes, seeing nothing but blurs of light. A cold liquid were dripped into my right eye. It sting for just a second, then all I felt was relief. The same happened with my other eye. I must admit I couldn't keep my eyes open for very long. The feeling of something going into my eye, made me have a small seizure until the process was complete.

"Now slowly open your eyes. " she spoke softly.

I did as she said and opened them slowly. At first I couldn't see anything but one big blur, but after blocking a couple of times, my vision became clear.

Most of the woman's face was covered by her dark hood. I rubbed my eyes and looked back at her, sitting down on a large rock. I looked around and saw we were in a small cave on a mountain. "Where's Phoenix?" My voiced was raspy and dry. The words barely escaped my lips.

"I didn't see a phoenix...?"

"No.. " I choked, "Not a phoenix. A young man named Phoenix. "

"You need to not strain your voice. Relax. You're safe. "

"I don't kno-"

"My name is Daisy. "


The girl took off her hood. I expected an elegant beautiful woman, but it was a girl. A girl my age. She had red hair and freckles dotted all on her round face. She had emerald green eyes.  "I don't recognize you. " she said. "Did you escape, too?"

"Escape? Are you one of the kids that went missing?" I sat up straight.

"Woah calm down.. Yes...  There was a bad man and he took me along with others and started to train us.. For some type of war. " her face showed of confusion and disgust. "I didn't know I had these gifts, but they brought it out of me. They beat us and hurt us... I was so scared.. "

"It's okay.. " I scooted closer to her. "Did you see a boy named Hayden and a girl with bright purple hair named Jade?" I asked softly.

She looked at me wide eyed then looked down. "Y-yeah... I can't believe your friends with her... "

"Jade? What do you mean?" I asked concerned.

"Jade, she's... She's one of them. "

Ice and FireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon